ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Harisingh Q3

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Pic.jpg ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Applications - VAST Challenge 2018 MC2

Problem Background

Data Overview & Preparation

[Q1] Chemical Contamination

[Q2] Anomalies in Data

[Q3] Concerns for Wildlife


For last part of analysis, I have focused more on chemicals which are toxic in nature. The changes in these chemicals can ultimately harm the preserve wildlife.

In Busarakhan and Somchair, the concentration of ALL toxic chemicals has followed an upward trend since 2009 onwards. While discussing chemical-wise distribution for Q1, we found out that these locations seem to have geo-spatial relationship in terms of changes in chemical concentration

H chart20.png

In case of Macrozoobenthos, the changes observed in readings follow same trend in Kannika and Sakda.

H chart21.png