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[[ISSS608_2017-18_T3_Assign_Chan_En_Ying_Grace|<b><font size="3"><font color="#000000">Background</font></font></b>]]
[[ISSS608_2017-18_T3_Assign_Chan_En_Ying_Grace|<b><font size="3"><font color="#000000">Background</font></font></b>]]
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[[ISSS608_2017-17_T3_Assign_Chan_En_Ying_Grace_Methodology|<b><font size="3"><font color="#000000">Methodology</font></font></b>]]
[[ISSS608_2017-18_T3_Assign_Chan_En_Ying_Grace_Methodology|<b><font size="3"><font color="#000000">Methodology</font></font></b>]]
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[[ISSS608_2017-17_T3_Assign_Chan_En_Ying_Grace_Did Rose Pipit kick the bucket?|<b><font size="3"><font color="#000000">Did Rose Pipit kicketh the bucket?</font></font></b>]]
[[ISSS608_2017-18_T3_Assign_Chan_En_Ying_Grace_Did Rose Pipit kick the bucket?|<b><font size="3"><font color="#000000">Did Rose Pipit kicketh the bucket?</font></font></b>]]
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==<font size="5"><font color="#000000">'''Approach Taken'''</font></font>==
==<font size="5"><font color="#000000">'''Approach Taken'''</font></font>==
The following outlines the 6 broad steps used for the analysis.  
The following outlines the 6 broad steps used for the analysis - Data Cleaning, Data Preparation, Geospatial Visualisation, Statistical Confirmation, Audio Processing and Audio Visualisation.
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Latest revision as of 22:42, 22 June 2018

Rose Pipits.png “Mine dear rose pipits, whence did do thou vanish?”



Did Rose Pipit kicketh the bucket?

Which song belongs to thee?




R is the primary tool used in this analysis. The following lists the packages used for the project’s scope - for data cleaning, data visualisation, geospatial analysis and audio processing.

  • R libraries
    • sp
    • rgdal
    • sf
    • raster
    • spatstat
    • maptools
    • gplots
    • ggplot2
    • ggmap
    • rasterVis
    • lattice
    • latticeExtra
    • tidyverse
    • zoo
    • tmap
    • reshape2
    • quantmod
    • ggTimeSeries
    • viridis
    • rlang
    • soundgen
    • tuneR
    • phonTools
    • seewave

Approach Taken

The following outlines the 6 broad steps used for the analysis - Data Cleaning, Data Preparation, Geospatial Visualisation, Statistical Confirmation, Audio Processing and Audio Visualisation.





Data Understanding

i. Read in Raster Layer (Lekagul Roadways Map)

  • It is a single layer raster file. 200x200.

class : RasterLayer
dimensions : 200, 200, 40000 (nrow, ncol, ncell)
resolution : 1, 1 (x, y)
extent : 0, 200, 0, 200 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
coord. ref. : NA
names : Lekagul_Roadways_2018
values : 0, 255 (min, max)

ii. Find out structure of Raster Layer
Extent : 40000
CRS arguments : NA
File Size : 41078
Object Size : 14376 bytes
Layer : 1


Data Cleaning

i. Import two CSV Files (Birds)

  • 2081 Training Birds (Metadata)
  • 15 Test Birds (Provided by Kasios)

ii. Fix Data Quality Issues

  • Change File ID from numeric to character
  • Change coordinates to numeric
  • Change Date from Character to Date
  • Omit the two NA values for the Y coordinate.
  • Clean the Dates (All standardise to m/d/y. For missing month/year, I will replace with NA. For missing day, I will impute as 1st day of the month.)
  • Clean the Timing (Standardise all to 24 hour formatting. Use “.” instead of ":")
  • Clean the Vocalisation Type (Standardise all to lower case. For values consisting of both ‘song and call’, change to ‘call’, assumed as a sign of distress while ‘song’ is assumed as the default)
  • Clean the Quality (Recode ‘no score’ as ‘NA’)

iii. Data Manipulation

  • Extract out the “Year” and “Month” from the date, as new columns
  • Create a new column for Quarter (Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4) & Season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)

iv. Geospatial File Compatibility

  • Convert CSV file (2081 birds) into the following:
    • spatial point data frame
    • sp format
    • shp format
    • st_read compatible format
    • readOGR compatible format
    • ppp format (for spatstat compatibility)

v. Data Overview & Exploration

  • Overlay 2081 Birds, Raster Map & Dumping Site, for an integrated overview using `plot()`
  • Use `facet_wrap` to identify location of clustering across species, across time, and across season, and by call/song

vi. Segregation of Treatment & Control Groups

  • Use ‘Rose Pipits’ as Treatment Group
  • Use ‘Ordinary Snape’ and ‘Lesse Birchbeere’ as Control Groups
  • Use ‘All Birds’ as third control


Geospatial Visualisation

Spatial Point Pattern Visualisation (Density-Based Measure)

i. Prepare polygon layer

  • Create a 200x200 spatial polygon to depict the boundaries of Lekagul raster map
  • Merge Raster Polygon with Rose Pipit Layer, using `owin` from spatstat package

ii. Kernel Density Plot

  • First, set sigma=bw.diggle
  • Apply the Kernel Density Plot (By Year; 2012-2017)
    • For All Birds
    • For Rose Pipits only (Treatment Group)
    • For OS & LB only (Control Groups)

iii. Adjust Parameters (sigma)

  • Adjust the plots by using the sigma of the most dense cluster
    • This is typically the largest sigma

iv. Fine-Tune for Clearer Visualisation

  • Then add in the dumping site & adjust the colour/size
  • So that we can visualize the clusters relative to the dumping site


Statistical Confirmation

Spatial Point Pattern Analysis (Distance-Based Measure)

i. Quadrat Analysis

  • Apply Monti-Carlo Simulation
  • Followed by Quadrat Test to test for clustering

ii. K-Nearest Neighbour

  • Apply Monti-Carlo Simulation
  • Followed by Clark-Evans Test to test for clustering

iii. K-Function

  • Apply Monti-Carlo simulation
  • Visualise significance based on grey band


Audio Processing

i. Data Preparation (Density-Based Measure)

  • Read in MP3 Files (Training & Testing Data)
  • Convert to .wav format using `writeWav()`
  • Convert .wav files to data frame using `analyzeFolder()`
  • Read in data frame

ii. Audio Extraction & Manipulation

  • Extract only 1 of 2 channels (choose left).
  • Convert each sound array to floating point values ranging from -1 to 1.

iii. Adjust Parameters (sigma)

  • Adjust the plots by using the sigma of the most dense cluster
    • This is typically the largest sigma

iv. Fine-Tune for Clearer Visualisation

  • Then add in the dumping site & adjust the colour/size
  • So that we can visualize the clusters relative to the dumping site


Audio Visualisation

i. Amplitude Envelope Plot

  • Use diffenv() to plot the envelopes of the amplitutde plots
  • Do this for all the 15 test birds
  • Do this for 5 training birds per species and select most representative plot as your ‘dictionary’

ii. Oscillogram Plot

  • Use seewave package to plot osciilogram
  • Do this for all the 15 test birds
  • Do this for 5 of the training birds, per species and select most representative plot as your ‘dictionary’

iii. Distribution of audio parameters, using Trellis Plot

  • Out of the 15 attributes available after extracting the dataframe from the .wav files, the following 7 will be used for analysis:
  • dom_median,HNR_median, meanFreq_median, peakFreq_median, pitch_median, pitchAutocor_median, pitchSpec_median
  • These were selected as they vary across the species more, than the other of the 8 variables
  • Use ggplot() to plot a trellis plot using the 19 training species
  • Label the mean
  • Use ggplot() to insert the 15 testing birds
  • Visualise and identify the top 3 closest species, per parameter
  • Select the species based on no. of parameters closest to the training mean