Talk:ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Hasanli Orkhan Comments
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200px ISSS608 Assignment Hasanli Orkhan
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So elegant!
Mr Jason, good job for your visualization. I benefit a lot from it. Here show some of my humble suggestions:
- For the Air Plume Model, I personally think the triangle should be reverse to track the source of the pollution by a wider range.
- For multiple value list of Monitor, consider using multiple dropdown list to spare more space for other control panels.
- Overall, it's an excellent job. Questions have been clearly solved and there are enough interactive techniques to let user understand your analysis better.
- Hope to see your final version! :)
--Yrzhang.2016 (talk) 21:17, 3 July 2017 (SGT)
Hi Jason,
Very nice use of the Tableau story to highlight your investigative journey. Some points couple of points for your consideration:
- Very good use of annotations, tooltips and highlights to show the anomalies in chemical readings.
- Consider using lighter colors in Q3 to display the influence area of sensors in your Air Plume model. Since the background color of the map is black, a lighter color might provide a better contrast to show the wind area covered by each sensor.
- For the hour-based trellis charts, consider renaming header labels from DateTime to something more meaningful like "Hours of the day".
- Nice consistency with the usage of trellis line graph to draw comparisons in readings across sensors for different time periods.
- If its possible, consider providing an option to select all months and/or all chemicals in your interactive single-list filters for the time-based trellis visualizations. The targeted audience might want to look at an overall picture before drilling-down to every chemical and every month.
- Very creative background to showcase the Windrose model. Consider adjusting the height in the Air Plume model to avoid scrollbars or use multi-select dropdowns instead of multi-select list boxes.
Great job in creatively answering the VAST question with such intricate details!
--Angads.2016 (talk) 22:21, 13 July 2017 (SGT)