ISSS608 2017 T3 Assign BI HE Question&Dashboard
Q3 After reviewing the data, do any of your findings cause particular concern for the Pipit or other wildlife? Would you suggest any changes in the sampling strategy to better understand the waterways situation in the Preserve?
The waterway data show a worrying water condition in the preserve. It will not only cause the decrease of pipit number, but also put negative impacts on aquatic animals. Data for some indicators shows us worrying situation in preserve area.
Chemical Oxygen Demand: A high COD-Cr load in water may signify oxygen deficiency, and fish and other aquatic species are consequently repelled.
Dissolved Oxygen: A fishkill occurs when a large number of fish in an area of water die off. It can be species-based or a water-wide mortality. Fish kills can occur for a number of reasons, but low dissolved oxygen is often a factor.
- Confluence such as Chai connected rivers flowed out from Boonsri, Busarakhan and Kohsoom. So, it may be more efficient and economical to put more sensors in this kind of river confluence spot.
- Each sensor should target a specific GPS location. When detecting the water samples, each sensor should return chemistry values also the location values. Thus, people can decide where the pollution sources are. and find out the source in upstream areas.