ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Kiriti Yelamanchali Q2

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Angrybirds.gif VAST CHALLENGE 2018: MC1


Data Preparation

Bird sightings

Bird Calls


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Deep Learning Model to recognize bird calls

For this analysis, a deep learning model is built to recognize the bird calls.

  • Python library librosa is ised for this purpose

1. The cleaned csv from data preparation stage is loaded into the pandas dataframe. Kiriti ml 1.png

2. A new dataframe column is created to match the mp3 file names in the data, after a bit of cleaning. Kiriti ml2.png

3. The wavelet spectographs of one bird are observed across different qualities, to have a visual representation of the quality Kiriti pipit comaprisions.png

It is evident that, the Qualities marked as A and B are useful in terms of model training.

4. The high quality sound files are selected, and split as train, test and validation datasets.

Kiriti ml 2.png

Librosa is used to extract the features of each file and stored in dataframe.

Kiriti ml 3.png

5. Deep learning model is trained. The hyper parameters are tuned until a satisfactory level of accuracy on train and test data are obtained.

Kiriti dl.png

Hyper parameters tuning:

Kiriti ml 7.png

Accuracy is observed for the model trained.

Kirit acc.png 6. Once happy with the model, the birds in the given test data set are observed.

Kiriti Test sightings.png


  • It is observed that 4 out of the 15 test birds are Rose-Crested-Blue-Pipits. The rest are as follows:

Kiriti Test sightings.png