ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Lim Yee Cheng Conclusion
Link to Interactive Visualisation on Tableau Public:
Concluding thoughts
In conclusion, there is no clear evidence from the hydrology data that the suspected dumping site is indeed that, a dumping site for Kasios. As suggested by various visualisations, there are significant gaps in the data along the time and locality dimensions. It would be ideal to harmonise and standardise the sampling frequency to achieve similar consistency across different locations and over all time. Perhaps the sensor system could even be enhanced to provide real-time data constantly, given the advent of the internet-of-things. Furthermore, using visualisations like the control chart does allow for deeper decision-making. For instance, hydrologists can invest resources according to what out-of-normal chemicals are showing up in their readings. This would represent a more optimal use of finite (and likely scant) resources such as money and manpower.