ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign LI Yaru Conclusion & Suggestion
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- There are less insignificant correlation among measures had been adopted, and the poor correlation is inconclusive to separate the dumping site investigation from environment analysis. In other words, some places are severely polluted by other sources before rather than dumping, but with less co-variance with Methylosmoline, we could hard to infer the dumping site with increasing or high level in other supplementary measures.
- The sampling location Kohsoom is the most suspect dumping sites with corresponding increasing trend in sedimentation chemicals Anionic active surfactants and Chemical Oxygen Demand (Cr). The increasing patterns is more natural and fluctuate than the one in Somchair, which keep smooth level due to more flourish upstream. However, other measures which help assess other pollutant sources should be considered to back up our preliminary inference.
- With more tributaries, Site Somchair may keep more stable performance regarding to many chemical measures, with stronger dilution than Kohsoom. In this way, Somchair requires deeper investigation to find the reason behind abnormal stepped increasing concentration of Methylosmoline. Maybe the Kasios Furniture Company dump at more than one sites or at one of the tributaries of Somchair. Thus a new sampling site is proposed, which is located at the upstream of Somchair and beside a big lake which is the home to many wildlife and pipit.
- To sound the analysis, other dimension from related environment department needed to be included, and multiple dimension about hydrology should be considered while assessing concentration and tributary contribution.