ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Kaushik Jaganathan - Methodology and Design
ISSS608 2017-18 Mini Challenge 2 - Kaushik Jaganathan
Data description & preparation
File Name |
Variables |
Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings (.csv file) |
The given data file has reading of 106 chemicals at 10 different locations from 1998 - 2016. i. id (numeric , unique)
chemical units of measure (.csv file) |
The given data file has the unit of each measure (106 measures) in which the readings were taken. i. measure (string, unique)
Waterways Final (.jpg file) |
The Waterways Final is a map image that shows the location of dumping site and the waterways. |
Steps |
Image |
Adding Data and Background Image
Annote Point
Dashboard Design
View the interactive Tableau design here: Link to tableau dashboard
1.Chemical Trends
This dashboard is aimed to uncover the trends in chemical values across Boonsong Preserve Waterway.Sampling sites and time period are used as filters.
The map shows the average value of a chemical for a selected time period. Box plot gives the variation in values for the chemical and date range chosen. The trend plot takes the selected location from map,time and measure from the filter and shows the variation over time.
2.Chemical Anomalies
This dashboard is aimed to uncover some of the recent mysterious chemical trend anomalies at the Preserve.The analysis goes into finding alarming trends which might threaten aquatic and wildlife.
3.Sample Collection
This dashboard is to look at the number of samples collected across sampling sites. Sample collection is studied over years and further drilled down to months in filtered years for a particular chemical and site.
This dashboard uses a 3 level visualisation - Sample count vs year --> Sample count vs month in selected year --> Value of chemical over selected month. Chemical measure and location are used as filters.
4.Sampling Frequency
This dashboard aims to look at when the samples were taken for chemicals across the different locations to discover the sampling patterns of chemicals.
The packed bubble chart indicates the average difference in days between two sampling events for a chemical. After selecting a bubble, a line chart is used to show the absolute difference in sampling days for the selected chemical.
5.Sampling trends and anomalies
The aim of this dashboard is to uncover some of the sampling trends and anomalies at the Preserve. This is useful to check if the Hydrology department is collecting sufficient data.
A bar chart shows the number of samples taken over the years for all the chemicals. A heatmap is used to indicate the month-wise average difference in sampling days.