ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Anuthama Hypothesis
Revision as of 11:30, 14 July 2017 by Anuthamam.2016 (talk | contribs)
Unusual Patterns
In this page I have discussed some unusual patterns that were seen in the cars movement. I have called out specific vehicles/vehicle type.
Pattern 1
- The dashboard below reveals a few data points about the intrusion. Firstly not all gates have been trespassed, it is only gates 3,5,6.
- The intrusions happen from 2 AM -5 AM which is the time Rangers are not around.
- The intrusions happen only on 2 days Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Pattern 2
When I analysed the paths taken by some of the car IDs I found something that caught my attention. Some vehicles have merely entered and exited the preserve and have not gone to any place in particular inside the preserve.
- 2 passages were popular for trespassing
Entrance 2 <--> 4 Entrance 0 <--> 3
- 3160 Vehicles have gone through just entrances without visiting any parts of the preserve.
- The dashboard that has been filtered based on path to show the usage pattern reveals that May sees a surge in trespassing. This is in not in alignment with to the overall peak cycle for the preserve which is June-Aug.
- All car types except 2P Ranger vehicles have used this pathway for trespassing through the preserve.
I suspect that more vehicles might have trespassed through the preserve but with one or two others sensors picking up the path, so I filter for car ids with 4 sensor readings.
Pattern 3
There is a strange pattern among these vehicles
- These 4 vehicles came to the preserve at night and and were back again the next morning. The first day they entered via a particular entrance gate and exited via the same entrance gate, which means they are not here to trespass, but need to visit the entrance before they arrive the next morning.
- Next morning they are back at the same entrance and took a trip into the preserve.
- The paths taken appear different, but they appear to have gone through Ranger-stop 0 and 2. This could be the destination. They might have some work there.
- All were of the same car type - 4 axle (and above) truck which means the purpose of visit may require a heavy vehicle.
- Interestingly all of them spent most time at entrance on the second morning. Too many similarities for it to be a coincidence. They might be there delivering some goods and probably the goods were being checked at the entrance.