Fishy Stuff
These are snaps of vehicles that show abnormal patterns. I hyphothesise them as fishy because it seems to worry.
Fishy Stuff 1 - 3 axelTruck
This is the image is the image taken in 12th hour of the day. The 3 axel trucks seem to be going every where without following paths. There are paths connecting locations that shouldn't be directly connected! They should be ideally passing through general gates to reach their desitnation. This web of paths is a worrying sign and should be individually dealt with
Fishy Stuff 2 - Car Motors
This is at the 23rd hour. There are way too many Car/Motorcycles who are congegregating in the most popular area. I believe there is something in an around ranger stops-0 and ranger stops-2 that attracts night visitors and also makes that a very attractive location.
Fishy Stuff 3- Car Motors
This is yet another unusual pattern seen right before the hour. What is most unusual about this is that there are cars or motor vehicles going from entrace 0 all the way to camp6 without any general gate sensor stamp. Is it possible that they have been avoided? also the frequency is very high
Fishy Stuff 4 - Car Motors
What is really fishy about this is how a public vehicle gets access to ranger-stop 1 at the north west portion of the reserve. This is only accessible through gate 2 and "gates" in general are restricted to public. So how does that work?
Fishy Stuff 5 - 2 axel Trucks
This is quiet an intriguing scene. Right before park closure (I assume) there is a high frequency of trucks visiting camping 4, general gate 4 and general gate 7. It could be that they have been taking rounds in an around that area
Fishy Stuff 6 - 4 axel and above trucks
This pattern may not be exactly fishy. But it is inteiguing how paths from entrance 3 -> gate 6 -> gate 5 -> genral gate-5 -> Ranger-stop 3 are taken only between 4-6 am in the morning. It could be a routine... or maybe not.