ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Assign HE LINGFEI - Results & Conclusion

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Vast1.jpg ISSS608 2016-17 Assignment - HE LINGFEI



Data Preparation

Approaches & Tools

Results & Conclusion



1. Q1 Answer - Usual Daily Patterns
_____1.1. Different Types of Cars Are Grouped Into 3 Categories
2. Q2 Answer - Usual Longer Period Patterns
3. Q3 Answer - Unusual Patterns
_____3.1. Weekend Late Night Camper Repeating The Same Route for 16 Times
_____3.2. Unauthorized Access to Ranger-stops by 4 axle truck
_____3.3. Unauthorized Access to Ranger-stops by 2 axle car
_____3.4. Long-term Camper
4. Q4 Answer - Top 3 Possible Causes

1. Q1 Answer - Usual Daily Patterns

1.1. Different Types of Cars Are Grouped Into 3 Categories

  • Category 1: 4 or more axle truck, 3 axle truck and 2 axle bus are possibly transportation vehicles. The chart in the left shows that the number of them remains relatively flat and constant respectively throughout the day. Also, the chart in the left does not show these 3 types of cars on the row of sensor – camping, meaning these types of cars never go to camping areas. Therefore, these 3 types of cars are possibly transportation vehicles.
  • Category 2: 2 axle car, 2 axle truck and 3 axle truck are visitors' vehicles and camp in the preserve. The chart in the left shows that the number of these 3 types of cars are generally active from 5AM to 7AM with peak hour from 8AM to 5PM. Also, the camping row of the chart in the right not only presents the number of these 3 types of cars over time, but also shows that 2 axle truck does overnight camping and 2 axle car and 3 axle truck does daytime camping.
  • Category 3: 2P car is no doubt the ranger vehicle which is active from 6AM to 11PM and there is totally no 2P cars during 3AM to 6AM.

HLF General Daily Pattern by Car Type.png HLF Daily Pattern Grouped by Sensor.png

2. Q2 Answer - Usual Longer Period Patterns

3. Q3 Answer - Unusual Patterns

3.1. Weekend Late Night Camper Repeating The Same Route for 15 Times

  • By filtering out the number of route count from 10-16, routes with route count 15 and 16 appears on the chat in the left. By viewing the data, these 2 routes are traveled by a 2 axle truck, car id: 20154519024544-322. Except the first time, in the rest of 15 times when it comes to the preserve, it follows exactly the same route and leaves the preserve either at Sunday midnight or in early Monday morning.

HLF Route on the map 15 16.png HLF Weekend repeat camper.png

3.2. Unauthorized Access to Ranger-stops by 4 axle truck

  • Gate are supposed to be only accessed by 2P car only, however, the chart shows 4 axle trucks access gates around 2AM to 5AM which is roughly within ranger's inactive period. By viewing data, there are in total 23 unique 4 axle trucks which pass gate3, 5, 6 to reach ranger-stop3, 5, 6 as shown in the chart in the left.

HLF Daily Pattern Grouped by Sensor2.png HLF 4 axle truck list.png

3.3. Unauthorized Access to Ranger-stops by 2 axle car

  • Ranger-stop 1 is only accessible for rangers, however, after filtering 2 axle car, the route shows that there is a path between entrance 1 and ranger-stop 1.By viewing the original data, there are 6 (cad id are as shown in the chart in the right) 2 axle cars which entered the preserve on the same day, 10 Jul 2015, around 10:28PM, follows the same path, and the path is actually round-trip path, meaning they are likely to be a group of people who went to ranger-stop 1 with clear purpose and intention.

HLF Route on the map 2 axle.png HLF 2 axle truck list.png

3.4. Long-term Camper

  • There is one car, car id: 20155705025759-63 , which came to the preserve on 5 Jun 2015 but has not come out until the last date (31 May 2016) in the dataset, the last action captured by the sensor was on 20 May 2016. The data viz also shows there are quite a number of cars which has not come out from the preserve before the last date in the dataset, however, these cars only entered the preserve after 20 May 2016, therefore, only one abnormal observation is found for this section.

HLF Long camper never leave1.png

4. Q4 Answer - Top 3 Possible Causes

  1. It is definitely questionable why does a visitor (car id: 20154519024544-322) repeated the same route for 15 times and always left the preserve during non-peak hour. This may be because this visitor does something suspicious and wants to avoid other people's attention.
  2. Daily pattern 1 shows that the number of 4 or more axle trucks (e.g. some heavy transportation vehicles) remains relatively constant throughout the day. However, the unusual pattern 2 shows that there are some 4 or more axle trucks entered gate just during rangers' inactive period. If they do not do anything harmful to the environment and species, they do not need to avoid rangers.
  3. The long-term camper (car id: 20155705025759-63 ) has been stayed in the preserve for almost a year. What does he do for staying so long? Is it harmful to the environment? Where do the necessities of life come from?

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