ISSS608 2016-17 T3 Assign HE LINGFEI - Results & Conclusion

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Vast1.jpg ISSS608 2016-17 Assignment - HE LINGFEI



Data Preparation

Approaches & Tools

Results & Conclusion



1. Q1 Answer - Usual Daily Patterns
_____1.1. Different Types of Cars Are Grouped Into 3 Categories
2. Q2 Answer - Usual Longer Period Patterns
3. Q3 Answer - Unusual Patterns
4. Q4 Answer - Top 3 Possible Causes

1. Q1 Answer - Usual Daily Patterns

1.1. Different Types of Cars Are Grouped Into 3 Categories

  • Category 1: 4 or more axle truck, 3 axle truck and 2 axle bus are possibly transportation vehicles. The chart in the left shows that the number of them remains relatively flat and constant respectively throughout the day. Also, the chart in the left does not show these 3 types of cars on the row of sensor – camping, meaning these types of cars never go to camping areas. Therefore, these 3 types of cars are possibly transportation vehicles.
  • Category 2: 2 axle car, 2 axle truck and 3 axle truck are visitors' vehicles and camp in the preserve. The chart in the left shows that the number of these 3 types of cars are generally active from 5AM to 7AM with peak hour from 8AM to 5PM. Also, the camping row of the chart in the right not only presents the number of these 3 types of cars over time, but also shows that 2 axle truck does overnight camping and 2 axle car and 3 axle truck does daytime camping.
  • Category 3: 2P car is no doubt the ranger vehicle which is active from 6AM to 11PM and there is totally no 2P cars during 3AM to 6AM.

HLF General Daily Pattern by Car Type.png HLF Daily Pattern Grouped by Sensor.png

2. Q2 Answer - Usual Longer Period Patterns

3. Q3 Answer - Unusual Patterns

4. Q4 Answer - Top 3 Possible Causes

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