ISSS608 2016 17 T1 Project Team 1 Proposal

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ISSS608 1617 project team1 logo.png ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Project Team 1







Very much from the occurance of colossal computers that filled rooms in the early 1970s to the ultrabooks super thin laptops we have nowadays, video games have existed to fill our needs for entertainment and maybe even learning. Video games have increasingly become sophisticated as newly operating software were produced and better-performing hardware were invented. Indeed, the digital information boom at the end of the 20th century engendered a series of ultrafast developments that led from the creation of multi-pixel 8-bit video games such as Pacman, to the open world non-linear games such as Grand Theft Auto, which take on several gigabytes on the computer’s hardware storage capacity.
With the sophistication and proliferation of games, people have engendered more complex and mixed reviews about them. Computer games were originally for entertainment for those very few who could afford computers only. As software became cheaper to manufacture, the word “PC” (personal computer) emerged, and families were already buying PCs and software (including video games) in numbers., is a video game sales tracking website that provides weekly sales figures of console software and hardware by region. The site was launched in June 2005 and is run by a small team of ten. Presently, users find the visualizations time consuming, difficult to comprehend and navigate.
Based on this background, we decided to do the visualization analytics work for this company to help them better show their users the video games' world and the marketing situation.


As students trained in Visual Analytics, we have volunteered to help them provide user-friendly and informative visualizations to cater to its users by utilizing visualizations tools and tapping on our knowledge gained from school, work, independent learning and by referencing reputable resources in the analytics industry.


  1. HTML: This language was used in order to design our web application to organize and allow easy-navigations for our visualizations and is hosted on the RawGit server.
  2. Javascript: D3.js was used to develop the DataMaps.
  3. Rshiny: Rshiny’s user friendly platform and large library of packages was used to develop the interactive dashboard through the use of packages such as ggplot2, plotly and dygraphs.
  4. The interactive dashboard allows users to filter based on requirements such as categories, time-series and observe the change in trend in an easy-to-understand and user-friendly environment.
  5. The radar chart provides a unique form of visualization of multivariate data in the form of a two-dimensional chart of three or more quantitative variables.



Our Approach

Unfamiliarity with using d3.js
  • Search on the internet, looking at d3 examples or templates online
  • Using Rshiny, a platform which is smailler to D3, but more easy to use.
Hard to find the business use for the project
  • Learning the study points from other simaller works on internet
  • Considering what users want, supposing we are the users of the platform.

Outcome gain some insight about video games sales
2.know the data visualization tools, like html, js, ds so on and so forth
3.multi charts applying, to be familiar with the features of these charts, so we can choose the right chart to visualize insights


Using d3:


