ISSS608 2016 17 T1 Project Team 1 Report

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ISSS608 1617 project team1 logo.png ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Project Team 1







As students trained in Visual Analytics, we have volunteered to help them provide user-friendly and informative visualizations to cater to its users by utilizing visualizations tools and tapping on our knowledge gained from school, work, independent learning and by referencing reputable resources in the analytics industry.

The game industry data is kind of attracting gamers like us to apply our insightful visualization skills in order to have a deep understanding about the game history. It feels good when finding our favorite games rank top, and interesting when understanding the reasons of industry share changes.

Review and critic on past works

Design framework

A detail description of the design principles used and data visualisation elements built (Refer to Section 3: Interface of this paper [1].


Sample test cases


What has the audience learned from your work? What new insights or practices has your system enabled? A full blown user study is not expected, but informal observations of use that help evaluate your system are encouraged.

Future Work

  • let users upload their own data file, and be able to recognize the data columns so that can provide service like a tool.
  • Put more interesting visualization technologies into our application.
  • Improve interactivity by using D3.js to rebuild the main layout design instead of using Rshiny control bar to realize all the interactivity.

Installation guide

including hardware configuration and software integrationn. Sample Installation Guide

User Guide

Step-by-step guide on how to use the data visualisation functions designed. Sample User Guide