ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign2 Parikshit Ravindra MAYEE

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Surveys are generally conducted to understand and uncover answers to questions which can help improve services. Survey results, with proper analysis, can help in decision making. In this assignment, I analysed the survey results of faculty members from two Spanish universities on teaching uses of Wikipedia. My visual analysis of for this survey has been posted to Tableau public.


My theme for this assignment is to visualize the sentiments about Wikipedia as a teaching resource.


With this assignment I have tries to analysis and answer following questions about the survey results. 1. Who are my survey respondents? 1.1. Which universities did the respondents belong to? 1.2. What’s the demographic profile of my respondents? 1.3. Have the participants used Wikipedia or are they new to the concept?

2. What is the overall sentiment of my respondents for each question?

3. Does the sentiment change with change in demographics and other factors? 3.1. How does the sentiment vary with the change in participant’s age, experience, education, position, gender, etc. 3.2. Is there any difference in the sentiment for universities? Does it change if the participants have PhD? The Visual analysis posted in Tableau public is interactive and helps to answer more questions than listed below.