ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign1 Nguyen Tien Duong

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Problem and Motivation


Tools Utilised


Overall Housing Data


1. Housing Ages in Singapore have 3 peaks:


2. Singapore is small island, but high demand for multiple room-type housing (4, 3 and 5 rooms)

House Type

3. Public Housing remains its shares among type of house and having recovering signal

Market 10 Years

Geometrical Distribution Housing and its price

An obvious contrast has been drawn out for 2 regions of Singapore housing: Services (central) and Industrial (industrial lands)

Overall Price sorted descending

1. Central areas: leading price, high deviation (wide range) in pricing, but less small market

Central Area

2. Industrial areas:below average price, less variation, and leading market share in terms of units

Industrial Area

Majority house floor size and price

The chart presented density of transactions happening in Singapore in 2015 with regarding to Floor Area and Price per square meter (psm). Highlighted color area (in orange) is majority group.

Majority House Floor Area and Pricing

1. Majority 85% houses have floor area below 150 sqm 2. Majority 85% houses resale price below SGD5500 sqm

Major price psm is in range SGD 3800-4500, and SGD5000

Majority Pricing psm

1. Major prices are in range SGD 3800-4500 psm 2. $5000 psm is "favorite" price with a abrupt sharp peak

Market Movement

Pricing Move
Transaction Move

1. Central Areas lost growth rate

2. Re-development lands gain interest