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There is no shortage of visualisation software on the market, both commercial and open-source. However, very few of them emphasize and utilise the science of visualisation to guide the users towards deriving deep insights from the data.
Singapore is a highly urbanised city state with a good network of public transport.  It is important to understand how the population flows within the city state through the public transport system. It is important for the public transport planners to understand the characteristics of the commuters commuting on public transport system, especially the public bus system as the public bus system has a greater reach to the population and is more dynamic in nature as compared to the train system. This will allow the planners to twist the efficiency level of the public bus system in order to better support the initiative of the government in pushing towards a car-lite society.
We believe that statistical learning can also benefit from better visualisation coupled with interactivity. Business users should be able to perform data modelling on their own, and understand the implications of the decision parameters and assess their models through visualisation as easily as data exploration. With the aim of realising such a capability, we built a web-based tool that is accessible to everyone.  
=Review and Critic on other Visualisation Tools=
=Review and Critic on other Visualisation Tools=

Revision as of 01:07, 27 November 2016



Singapore is a highly urbanised city state with a good network of public transport. It is important to understand how the population flows within the city state through the public transport system. It is important for the public transport planners to understand the characteristics of the commuters commuting on public transport system, especially the public bus system as the public bus system has a greater reach to the population and is more dynamic in nature as compared to the train system. This will allow the planners to twist the efficiency level of the public bus system in order to better support the initiative of the government in pushing towards a car-lite society.

Review and Critic on other Visualisation Tools

Mention what tableau and SAS can do...

Selection of Tools

R scripting language was chosen due to the wide range of statistical learning libraries available. Of equal importance is the availability of Shiny, an R package and web application framework, which can build interactive web applications quickly in the same environment. Shiny also has a comprehensive list of widgets to implement interactive features such as selection button and input slider. It also allows any User-Interface interactions like click, hover, brush for users to perform deeper exploration of the data.

Design Framework

A detail description of the design principles used and data visualisation elements built


Sample test cases


What has the audience learned from your work? What new insights or practices has your system enabled? A full blown user study is not expected, but informal observations of use that help evaluate your system are encouraged.

Future Work

A description of how your system could be extended or refined.

Installation guide

No installation is required, you can access the application in the following link: https://oohshinyviztool.shinyapps.io/server

However, the next section shows the steps required to host shiny application on Shinyapps.io.

Deploy the application online

You can choose to host the shiny application on your own server. Or you can choose to host it on shinyapps.io by RStudio. The following steps describe the steps to host the application on shinyapps.io.

Step 1: Go to http://www.shinyapps.io/ to sign up for a free account which allows you to host up to 5 applications and utilise 25 active hours.

Step 2: You will get your personal token and secret number, as well as determine the name of your application link.

In your Rstudio,
Step 3: Key in the following in the console:

Step 4: Go to Tools -> Global Options -> Publishing -> Connect
paste the following in the empty box: shinyapps::setAccountInfo(name="Your account name", token="Personal Token issued", secret="Secret number issued")
Step 5: Key in the following in the console:
file_directory = 'C:/Users/app'
[Note: use the file directory which you store the R codes for the application.]

Step 6: Key in the following in the console:

Step 7': The application should open on your browser.

User Guide

Step-by-step guide on how to use the data visualisation functions designed.
