ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign3 Arcchit Mittal Task 1

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After preparing the data, search for ids that stand out from the rest began. And finally, I found two such IDs that stand out for the large volume of communication data. The IDs are :

  1. ID 1278894
  2. ID 839736

Both the IDs sends out and receive the highest amount of messages. Apart from these IDs most of the messages were sent to external ID, people who were not in the park. 5communication.PNG

ID 839736

The location of the ID 839736 is at entry corridor whenever it sends or receives a message. Which means either this ID is an automated robot that sends out different messages to other IDs in the park or a security guard.
From the above image we can see which IDs send the most number of messages to the ID 839736. Clearly, ID 1149884 and ID 1601276 sent out most of the messages.
From the above image we can see the timestamp of ID 839736 of its receiving messages from other IDs. On Sunday, there is a large spike of messages to and from 839736 12pm onwards. A possible hypothesis is that this is the helpline in the park, and something bad had occurred and discovered at 12pm. As the park normally does not have many accidents/ incidents, the volume of messages may be relatively low, until a mishap happens.

ID 1278894

The volume of communication from and to this ID is almost the same, with more communication coming from this ID than communication going to this ID. The location of this ID is always on Entry Corridor.
From the image above, we can see that messages have been sent out at regular intervals each day. It sends out messages at 12:00 PM - 12:55 PM, 2:00 PM - 2:55 PM, 4:00 PM - 4:55 PM, 6:00 PM - 6:55 PM, and 8:00 PM - 8:55 PM with an interval of 5 minutes between each message. This ID never communicates with ID 839736 and external which has the second and third highest volume of communication on the 3 days. One hypothesis is that it is an robot or something that sends out activity messages or messages about whats going around in the park and any alerts regarding special vouchers.