ISSS608 2016-17 T1 Assign2 Vishal Bansal
The purpose of this assignment is to find and gain certain useful insights with respect to a survey taken among the academia at a university about the usage of wikipedia and various questions regarding its relevance, usefulness and effectiveness as an open platform for learning and discovery. Wikipedia, as we all know, has grown into a worldwide open source of knowledge and information and this analysis seeks to find out what a sample set of academics think about the platform.
Data Set
The Dataset used for the analysis was taken from an online repository which contained information regarding an ongoing research on university faculty perceptions and practices of using Wikipedia as a teaching resource.
wiki4HE dataset
The purpose of this analysis is to check for various insights related to the dataset chosen and to answer certain questions related to the answers given by the different age, domain and gender demographics within the sample data.
Their were a total of 13 parameters, out of which I chose the following:-
1. Use behaviour
2. Profile
3. Incentives
4. Experience