IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign3 Bong Jun Hao
Data Exploration/Cleanup
By itself, the dataset provided was not enough to provide any insights, except for to identify the department and floor/zone of a particular employee. Upon further investigation of the proxOut file, it can be seen that the proxID of an employee is based on the combination of the first character of an employee's First Name followed by his or her entire Last Name as well as a 3 number digit code that is in running order from 001 onwards.
An example would be Anda Ribera, where Anda is the first name and Ribera is the last name. Hence he would have the id Aribera001 and any subsequent id issued would be aribera002, aribera003 so on and so forth. As such, an additional column is added to the employees.xlsx file based on the proxOut file to see what are the various ids that each employee holds, as it is mentioned that some dilligent staff would pick up additional prox cards if they have misplaced their old one, making it possible that they can be assigned various prox cards id(s) at any one point.