IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign2 Chen Huiyan
The Theme of Interest
To focus on issues related to workplace safety by making use of Workplace Injuries Data 2014
Data Source
Workplace Injuries Data 2014. Reference: WSHI National Statistics Report 2014
Data format: excel
Define Questions for Investigation
- Initial Question
Is there a strong relationship between the number of workplace injuries and the type of industry?
I have constructed a bar chart to show the relationship between major industry and the number of injuries in 2014. From the chart, it indicates that construction industry has the least number of workplace injuries which is out of my expectation. Therefore, I decide to break down the major industry.
The chart is created by building hierarchies which clarifies my doubt regarding the previous chart as there are many sub industries under manufacturing and others industries leading to the high number of workplace injuries. After breaking down the major industries, construction is still the most dangerous industry in terms of the number of workplace injuries followed by metalworking under manufacturing and accommodation & food services under others (excluding others-others).
Final Visualization
Tools Utilized
- Tableau
- Excel