IS428 2016-17 Term1 Assign3 Heng Yi Teng Mabel

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Data Cleaning

Building Data

I wanted to create a variable Floor/Zone so I used the Stack function in JMP.

Stack mhyt.PNG


After stack mhyt.PNG

Next, I used the Text to Columns function to create 3 new variables: Floor/Zone, Floor and Zone.

New variables floor-zone.PNG

I did this transformation on all the building data, including the Hazium sensor data, and got the combined data file below.

Building data mhyt.PNG

Finally, I used Stack to combine all the Building Elements into one variable. A sample from the final data file is as shown below. Final building data mhyt.PNG

Sensor Data


Visualization Process

Building Data


Creating a Map for Sensor Data

I first loaded the mobile sensor data, proxMobileOut-MC2.csv, into Tableau. On the Data Source tab, I changed the Geographic Roles for X and Y to Longitude and Latitude respectively.

Assigning geographic roles to x & y mhyt.png

Next, in a new worksheet, I dragged X to Columns and Y to Rows. However, we can see below that the data points are superimposed onto a default world map.

Dragging x to columns and y to rows.PNG

Instead, we want to upload a map of the floor plans for the building. First, I manually cropped the VAST_ProxZones_Fx.jpg files and removed the white spaces, leaving only the floor plan. The result is something like this:

ProxZones F1 crop mhyt.jpg

Next on Tableau, I uploaded the images under Map. As there are 3 floors, I had to upload 3 different floor plan images and set different conditions for them.

Maps backgroundimages.png

Conditions backgroundimages.png

Lastly, I used the variable Floor as a filter to toggle between views of the map. This yielded the following:

Map view mhyt.PNG

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