Team Shooting Stars: Proposal

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Revision as of 15:51, 9 October 2016 by (talk | contribs) (sdf)
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Project Description

The aim of this project is to get deeper knowledge into the current trend in NBA and what makes a team succeed, so the questions we are going to answer are:
1. Is the role of centre becoming less and less important NBA?
2. Are 3-point-shooting teams more likely to win through the past ten years?
3. What is the most important quality of a championship team?
4. Is there a indicator of a player’s best performance in career?
5. What make 2011 Dallas mavericks and 1996 Houston Rockets win the championship?


Academic Studying Week Task Done By Status
Week 7
1 Brainstorm project topic and scope Everyone Completed
Week 8
1 Formulate ideas Everyone Completed
2 Consulting Prof Everyone Completed
3 Deciding on tools/techniques to use Everyone Completed
4 Upload detail project proposal Everyone Completed

Week 9
1 Data preparation, consolidation, preprocessing and cleaning Everyone Not Completed
Week 10
1 Update Wiki page Everyone Not Completed
2 Study Treemap Not Completed
3 Study Multi-Series Line Chart Not Completed

Week 11 & 12
1 Web App Developer Everyone Not Completed
Week 13
1 Do poster, presentation preparation Everyone Not Completed
Week 14
1 Presentation Everyone Not Completed
Week 15
1 Submission of project poster Everyone Not Completed
2 Submission of final project paper and artifacts Everyone Not Completed
Week 16
1 Visual Analytics Poster Night Everyone Not Completed