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== Results ==
== Results ==
== References ==
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Revision as of 06:23, 29 August 2016



Problem and Motivation

Property analysts have warned that the private residential property market may have to prepare for a decline in demand in 2016, due to the “lacklustre economic environment”[1].

To help buyers make better decisions on the price and the region they should buy at, a thorough analysis of past year transactions should thus be analysed. This, hence, gives a better glimpse of what type of units will be sold at what certain price in the coming quarters as well as gives buyers better information on types of units being sold according to regions.


Data Preparation

Datasets in the form of .csv files were downloaded from the REALIS portal. These datasets included information on the type of private properties, the number of units sold, the price brackets and the region where these units are. The .csv files were downloaded in batches as only yearly and quarterly data was available.

Executive Condominiums were excluded from the data set as these are hybrids of public and private housing and the project calls for only the supply of private properties.

Excel’s text-to-column function was used to delimit the dataset into its respective columns, as the original .csv files were in comma limited form. Excel was also used to manually combine datasets together to form one main file which would be uploaded into Tableau.

Use of Charts

Bar Charts

To best display and compare the frequency of certain categorical characteristics, a bar chart can be used. Bar charts were used to visualise the relative number of units sold in different regions, price brackets or quarters.

Line Graphs

To visualise the data across years or quarters, a line graph can be used to track changes over these periods of time. Line graphs can also be used to compare changes over the same period of time across different categories. In this case, the changes in the number of units sold within each price bracket or within each type of unit can be compared across quarters using a line graph.

Pareto Charts

A pareto chart is used to focus on the most significant contributors of a certain characteristic. In this case, a pareto chart was used to identify the which price bracket(s) did most of the units sold belong to.


Share of Private Properties Supply in 2015

An overall share of supply in 2015 was first visualised using a bar chart. [Bar chart]

This shows the number of units sold in 2015 according to the type of units.

From this graph, we can see the non-landed properties are the most common type of unit being sold in 2015, with a total of 659,071 condominiums and 333,513 apartments sold in 2015 alone. This may be due to an increase in household income through 2015[2], which may lead to a higher desired standard of living for these households. As condominiums offer more facilities such as swimming pools, clubhouses and playgrounds and provide added security through its gated compound, yet are less expensive than owning a landed property, this type of housing would thus be on the rise. ()

Drilling down further, the trend across quarters in 2015, categorised by region, was then visualised using bar charts and line graphs.

Distribution of Private Properties Prices in 2015

Three Policy Recommendations

Tools Utilized

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel was used to combine batches of .csv files downloaded from the REALIS portal as well as to clean the data in preparation for upload into Tableau 10.0.

Tableau 10.0

Tableau was the main software used to manipulate data and build visualisations to better spot and understand patterns within the dataset. Tableau was also used to create calculated fields to represent the data as well as to compare certain aspects of the data with each other.


Piktochart is a free web app which allows users to create their own infographics using "drag-and-drop, point-and-click" functions on their online platform. This was used to create the analytical infographic.

