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(Created page with "== Q1 Share of Private Properties == === a. Industrial Properties === ==== ai. Industrial Properties Data Cleaning ==== From REALIS, private and public property data were ex...")
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== Q1 Share of Private Properties ==
== Share of Private Properties ==
=== a. Industrial Properties ===
=== a. Industrial Properties ===

Revision as of 01:02, 29 August 2016

Share of Private Properties

a. Industrial Properties

ai. Industrial Properties Data Cleaning

From REALIS, private and public property data were extracted separately and csv files were combined using cmd in Windows.

Since there was no field for selecting a timeframe in REALIS, I used “Written Permission Date” as a proxy for when the property was supplied. “Written Permission Date” was reformatted in Excel to ensure it was in Tableau-readable date format. Irrelevant records were deleted where the “Written Permission Date” field was empty or year was 2016. Upon data import into Tableau, it appeared there were no records of commercial public property supply before 2014, making records before 2014 meaningless for calculating share of private property supply. Hence all years were filtered out except for 2014 and 2015.

I also noticed there were columns pertaining to factory space and warehouse space in the dataset, indicating there two categories under industrial properties. Hence I used Excel to recode these columns into a new column "Category" where records were classified into factory or warehouse.

aii. Graphical Design

aiii. Analysis