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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:48, 29 November 2016 VA report Team Valor.pdf (file) 896 KB   2
18:29, 29 November 2016 ReportLocVA.pdf (file) 605 KB   2
18:26, 29 November 2016 VAReport-Loc.pdf (file) 605 KB   1
06:09, 23 November 2016 Teamvalorgroup1VAprojectposter.jpg (file) 18.18 MB   1
06:07, 23 November 2016 Teamvalorgroup1VAprojectposter.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
13.25 MB   1
06:05, 23 November 2016 Team valor group 1 VA project poster.png (file)
Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP
13.25 MB   1
13:54, 24 October 2016 Floor3 air flow by hoursLoc.PNG (file) 81 KB   1
13:44, 24 October 2016 Floor2 air flow by hoursLoc.PNG (file) 109 KB   2
13:25, 24 October 2016 Floor air flow by hoursLoc.PNG (file) 96 KB   1
03:45, 24 October 2016 Locf3.PNG (file) 1.21 MB   1
03:45, 24 October 2016 ContourLocf3.PNG (file) 28 KB   1
03:40, 24 October 2016 Locf2.PNG (file) 1.59 MB   1
03:39, 24 October 2016 ContourLocf2.PNG (file) 33 KB   1
03:38, 24 October 2016 Locf1.PNG (file) 1.02 MB   1
03:37, 24 October 2016 ContourLocf1.PNG (file) 10 KB   1
03:25, 24 October 2016 Floor2proxmapLoc.PNG (file) 2.16 MB   1
03:25, 24 October 2016 ZonefreLoc.PNG (file) 51 KB   1
03:20, 24 October 2016 TypicalbreakLoc.PNG (file) 51 KB   1
02:39, 24 October 2016 Rosiefloor3heatmapLoc.PNG (file) 3.66 MB   1
02:37, 24 October 2016 Rosiefloor2heatmapLoc.PNG (file) 4.85 MB   1
02:34, 24 October 2016 Rosiefloor1heatmapLoc.PNG (file) 2.39 MB   1
02:21, 24 October 2016 Floor3map.PNG (file) 2.18 MB   1
02:02, 24 October 2016 TypicaldayLoc.PNG (file) 78 KB   1
05:02, 10 October 2016 Loc project be3.png (file) 418 KB   1
05:01, 10 October 2016 Loc project be2.png (file) 499 KB   1
05:00, 10 October 2016 Loc project be1.png (file) 698 KB   1
01:49, 10 October 2016 Team valor cover.jpg (file) 546 KB   1
22:30, 9 October 2016 Team Valor Logo.png (file) 546 KB   1
19:07, 29 September 2016 Loc assign2 Ternary .png (file) 58 KB   1
18:19, 29 September 2016 Loc assign2 data.png (file) 172 KB   3
15:04, 29 September 2016 Loc assign2 missing data.png (file) 11 KB   1
06:47, 26 September 2016 Loc assign2 Treemap.png (file) 109 KB   2
06:05, 26 September 2016 Loc assign2 Parallel.png (file) 82 KB   2
05:58, 26 September 2016 Loc country column.png (file) 14 KB   1
03:38, 26 September 2016 Loc assign2 ternary2.png (file) 111 KB   1
03:30, 26 September 2016 Loc assign2 ternary.png (file) 61 KB   1
20:22, 8 September 2016 Infographicsnguyenduyloc.PNG (file) 275 KB   3
18:39, 29 August 2016 Infographicsnguyenduyloc1.PNG (file) 446 KB   3
17:26, 29 August 2016 Pricingdemand.PNG (file) 128 KB   2
17:14, 29 August 2016 Monthlydataoftransactions.PNG (file) 26 KB   1
17:14, 29 August 2016 Quarterdataofresidents.PNG (file) 28 KB   1
17:08, 29 August 2016 Priceinmap.PNG (file) 373 KB   1
16:39, 29 August 2016 Statusofunits.PNG (file) 70 KB   3
16:36, 29 August 2016 Unitsbytype.PNG (file) 82 KB   3
16:27, 29 August 2016 Activenesssellingbuying.PNG (file) 375 KB   1
11:32, 29 August 2016 Distributebyregions.PNG (file) 29 KB   1
11:23, 29 August 2016 Whenwheretobuy.PNG (file) 56 KB   1
11:08, 29 August 2016 Monthlysales.PNG (file) 63 KB   1
10:47, 29 August 2016 Unitsunsold.PNG (file) 58 KB   1
08:22, 29 August 2016 Relativesballon.PNG (file) 76 KB   1