MediaWiki API result

This is the HTML representation of the JSON format. HTML is good for debugging, but is unsuitable for application use.

Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.

See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
    "query": {
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                "ns": 0,
                "title": "API",
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                "title": "Main Page",
                "revisions": [
                        "user": "Benjamingan",
                        "timestamp": "2024-02-06T02:59:50Z",
                        "slots": {
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                                "contentmodel": "wikitext",
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                                "*": "==Welcome to <big> IS427: Technopreneur Study Mission</big>==\n\n===Term 3 2025-2026===\n[[2425T3 Jakarta|Jakarta]]\n\n===Term 2 2025-2026===\n[[2425T2 Silicon Valley|Silicon Valley]]\n\n===Term 1 2024-2025===\n[[2425T1 Seoul|Seoul]]\n\n===Term 3 2024-2025===\n[[2324T3 Jakarta|Jakarta]]\n\n===Term 2 2024-2025===\n[[2324T2 Silicon Valley|Silicon Valley]]\n\n===Term 1 2023-2024===\n[[2324T1 Tokyo|Tokyo]]\n\n===Term 2 2023-2024===\n[[2223T2 Silicon Valley|Silicon Valley]]\n\n===Term 1 2022-2023===\n[[2223T1 Seoul|Seoul]]\n\n===Term 2 2022-2023===\n[[2122T2 Silicon Valley|Silicon Valley]]\n\n===Term 1 2021-2022===\n[[2122T1 TSM|TSM (Australia)]]\n\n===Term 2 2020-2021===\n[[2021T2 Virtual TSM|Virtual TSM (Indonesia)]]\n\n===Term 2 2019-2020===\n[[1920T2 New York City|New York City]]\n\n===Term 2 2018-2019===\n[[1819T2 Hong Kong|Hong Kong]]\n\n===Term 2 2017-2018===\n[[1718T2 Silicon Valley|Silicon Valley]]\n\n===Term 2 2016-2017===\n[[1617T2g1 South Korea|South Korea]]\n\n===Term 2 2015-2016===\n[[1516T2g1 South Korea|South Korea]]\n\n===Term 2 2014-2015===\n[[1415T2g1 South Korea|South Korea]]\n\n===Term 1 2014-2015===\n[[1415T1g1 Silicon Valley|Silicon Valley]]\n\n===Term 2 2013-2014===\n[[1314T2g1 South Korea|South Korea/Japan]]\n\n===Term 1 2013-2014===\n[ Europe]\n\n===Term 2 2012-2013===\n[ South Korea]\n\n===Term 1 2012-2013===\n[ Europe]\n\n===Term 2 2011-2012===\n[ South Korea]\n\n===Term 1 2011-2012===\n[ Europe]"
                        "comment": ""