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Vaa logo.jpg ISSS608 Visual Analytics and Applications


Weekly Session

DataViz Makeover


Visual Analytics Project



The Task

The assignment is part of the bigger Shiny-based Visual Analytics Application (Shiny-VAA) project. Each team member is required to select a sub-module from the proposed Shiny-VAA and to complete the tasks below:

  • Conducting literature review on how the analysis were performed before. The focus should be on identifying gaps whereby interactive web approach and visualanalytics techniques can be used to enhance user experience on using the analysis techniques.
  • Preparing the storyboard for the design of the sub-module.
  • Extracting, wrangling and preparing the input data required to perform the analysis. The focus should be on exploring appropriate tidyverse methods
  • Testing and prototyping the proposed sub-module in R Markdown. The R Markdown document must be in full working html report format. This link provides a useful example for your reference.

Submission Instructions

  • The write-up of the DataViz Makeover must be in blogdown format. You are required to publish the write-up on netfily.
  • The DataViz Makeover must be prepared using Tableau. The final workbook must be uploaded onto Tableau Public.
  • All DataViz Makeover have to be completed by Friday before mid-night 11.59pm. Students are required to upload the artefacts onto eLearn (i.e. DataViz Makeover section).
  • To encourage peer-learning, students must also provide the link to the blog your prepared for the DataViz Makeover in the table below.


  • Upload the R Markdown report and data to your team Visual Analytics Project Github repository.
  • Knit the R Markdown document into web blog format and publish it on Netlify.
  • You are required to provide the links for both the web blog and Tableau Public on eLearn and on course wiki.
  • Provide the links for both the Visual Analytics Project Github repository and web blog of Netlify on eLearn.

Submission date

4th April 2021 (Sunday), mid-night 11:59pm.