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Weekly Session

DataViz Makeover


Visual Analytics Project



DataViz Makeover


Each fortnight, I will post one or two data visualisation and you are required to critic, suggest ways for improvement and rework the data visualisation. Maybe you retell the story more effectively, or find a new story in the data. I am curious to see the different approaches you all take.

The purpose of the makeover is to improve on the original visualisation. Focus on what works, what doesn’t work, why those things don’t work, and how you made it better. You should try stick to the fields in the data set provided and improve upon the original visualisation. However, if supplementing the data helps you tell a better story, go for it!

Submission Instructions

  • The write-up of the DataViz Makeover must be in blogdown format. You are required to publish the write-up on netfily.
  • The DataViz Makeover must be prepared using Tableau. The final workbook must be uploaded onto Tableau Public.
  • All DataViz Makeover have to be completed by Friday before mid-night 11.59pm. Students are required to upload the artefacts onto eLearn (i.e. DataViz Makeover section).
  • To encourage peer-learning, students must also provide the link to the blog your prepared for the DataViz Makeover in the table below.

Project Groups

Please change Your Team name to your project topic and change student name to your own name

Student Name DataViz Makeover 1 DataViz Makeover 2 DataViz Makeover 3

World Development Indicators: A New Visual Perspective
A web-based analytics application to visualize countries development across the globe

World Development Indicators (WDI) is an extensive and holistic database compiled by World Bank focusing on countries development across the globe. It covers 20 topics with more than 1,300 time series development indicators featuring 214 nations and 38 country group which adds up to more than 7 million data points collected over the span of 56 years.

The massive amount of world development data has by far exceeds the ability for students, policymakers, analysts and officials to transform the data into proper visualization for analysing and gaining insight of the global developmental landscape. Thus, creating an adverse impact on the financial and technical assistance World Bank is providing to the developing countries around the world.

To address this pressing issue, the team is motivated to design and develop a single-view, dynamic and interactive visual dashboard to provide students, policymakers, analysts and officials a holistic view of the World Development Indicators data collected.

  • GE Bin
  • Ryan CHIA
  • Danny LIM

For your reference

Student Name Assignment