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* [https://www.tableau.com/sites/default/files/whitepapers/the_5_most_influential_data_visualizations_of_all_time.pdf The 5 Most Influential Data Visualizations of All Time]
* [https://www.tableau.com/sites/default/files/whitepapers/the_5_most_influential_data_visualizations_of_all_time.pdf The 5 Most Influential Data Visualizations of All Time]
* J.J. Thomas and K.A. Cook, eds. (2005) [https://ils.unc.edu/courses/2017_fall/inls641_001/books/RD_Agenda_VisualAnalytics.pdf Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics], IEEE CS Press.
* J.J. Thomas and K.A. Cook, eds. (2005) [https://ils.unc.edu/courses/2017_fall/inls641_001/books/RD_Agenda_VisualAnalytics.pdf Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics], IEEE CS Press.
==Trellis Display==
* [https://www-jstor-org.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/stable/1390777?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents The Visual Design and Control of Trellis Display]
* [https://onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/doi/full/10.1002/wics.121 Trellis display]
* [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2671674_Trellis_Displays_vs_Interactive_Graphics Trellis Displays vs. Interactive Graphics]

Revision as of 16:29, 3 January 2021

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Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Introduction to Visual Analytics and Applications

Lesson Outline

  • Course Overview
  • Motivation of Visual Analytics
  • What Visual Analytics is
  • Visual Analytics in History
  • Intents of Visual Analytics Applications
  • Visual Analytics Techniques: basic graphical methods
  • Visual Analytics Tools


Highly Recommended TED Talk



Trellis Display

All About Tableau

Things about Tableau you must know!

Learning Tableau