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<font size="5">'''Visualising and Analysing Multidimensional Data '''</font>
<font size="5">'''Programming Data Visualisation in R'''</font>
* Introduction to High-dimensional Data
* R, RStudio and RMarkdown 101
* Bivariate Matrix
* Introducing The Grammar of Graphics
** Trellis
* ggplot2, The Layered Grammar of Graphics
** Correlation Matrix
** The Essential Grammatical Elements in ggplot2
** Correlogram
* Designing Analytical Graphics with ggplot2
* Multivariate Data Visualisation
* Creating Interactive Graphics with plotly R
** Ternary Plot
** Glyphs or Star Plot
** Heatmap
** Parallel Coordinate Plot
* Space-constrained visualization of hierarchies
** Treemaps
** Sunburst diagram
= Readings =
==Core Readings==
==Core Readings==
* [https://vita.had.co.nz/papers/layered-grammar.html A Layered Grammar of Graphics]
* [https://r4ds.had.co.nz/data-visualisation.html Chapter 3 Data Visualization], [https://r4ds.had.co.nz/exploratory-data-analysis.html Chapter 7 Exploratory Data Analysis] and [https://r4ds.had.co.nz/graphics-for-communication.html Chapter 28 Graphics for communication] of '''R for Data Science'''. 
* ggplot2 [https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org//]
* ggplot2 – The R graph Gallery [http://www.r-graph-gallery.com/portfolio/ggplot2-package/]
* ggplot2 - A Short Tutorial [http://r-statistics.co/ggplot2-Tutorial-With-R.html]
'''Multivariate Methods'''
* [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/b-eye/visual_multivariate_analysis.pdf An Introduction to Visual Multivariate Analysis]
* [https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/docview/228501277?rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo Corrgrams: Exploratory Displays for Correlation Matrices]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ternary_plot Ternary Plot]
* [https://link-springer-com.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-540-33037-0_8.pdf Multivariate Data Glyphs]
* [https://link-springer-com.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/content/pdf/10.1007%2F978-3-540-33037-0_25.pdf Parallel Coordinates]
* [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_map Wikipedia: Heatmap]
* [http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/treemap-history Shneiderman, Ben (2008) Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies] (http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/treemap-history/)
* [http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/treemap/FLEXIBLE-HIERARCHY-FINAL.pdf Extending the Utility of Treemaps with Flexible Hierarchy]
==Additional Readings==
==Optional Readings==
===Book on ggplot2===
* Hadley Wickham, Danielle Navarro, and Thomas Lin Pedersen (2020) [https://ggplot2-book.org/index.html ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis] (3rd Edition, online version).
* Kieran Healy (2019) [https://socviz.co/ Data Visualization: A practical introduction].  This is the online version.
* Aravind Hebbali (2020) [https://viz-ggplot2.rsquaredacademy.com/index.html Data Visualization with ggplot2]
* Winston Chang (2020) [https://r-graphics.org/ R Graphics Cookbook] (2nd edition, online version)
* Rob Kabacoff (2020) [https://rkabacoff.github.io/datavis/ Data Visualization with R]
* [https://bookdown.org/tpemartin/minicourse_ggplot2/ ggplot2 介紹]
* Zach Bogart & Joyce Robbins (2020) [https://edav.info/ Exploratory Data Analysis & Visualization]
* [https://bbc.github.io/rcookbook/ BBC Visual and Data Journalism cookbook for R graphics]
'''Multivariate Methods'''
===Book on plotly R===
* [http://junkcharts.typepad.com/junk_charts/2010/06/the-scatterplot-matrix-a-great-tool.html The scatter-plot matrix: a great tool]
* [https://plot.ly/r/ Plotly R Open Source Graphing Library]
* [https://search-proquest-com.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/docview/1750838449?rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo A Graphical Display of Large Correlation Matrices]
* [https://plotly-r.com/index.html Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny]
* [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/engineering/ternary-diagram Ternary Diagram]
* [https://www.r-graph-gallery.com/index.html The R Graph Gallery]
* [http://csmgeo.csm.jmu.edu/geollab/fichter/Sedrx/readternary.html Reading a Ternary Diagram]
* [http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/~silvia/wien/vu-infovis/articles/Inselberg-InfoVis97.pdf Multidimensional Detective]
* [https://eagereyes.org/techniques/parallel-coordinates Parallel Coordinates]
* [http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/b-eye/parallel_coordinates.pdf Multivariate Analysis Using Parallel Coordinates]
** [http://eagereyes.org/Techniques/Treemaps.html Treemaps]
** [http://www.b-eye-network.com/view/2673 Discovering Business Intelligence Using Treemap Visualization]
** [http://www.juiceanalytics.com/writing/10-lessons-treemap-design/ 10 Lessons in Treemap Design]
** [http://delivery.acm.org.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/10.1145/580000/571649/p833-b_bederson.pdf?ip= Bederson, Benjamin B.; Shneiderman, Ben; Wattenberg, Martin (2002). "Ordered and quantum treemaps: Making effective use of 2D space to display hierarchies". ACM Transactions on Graphics. 21 (4): 833.]
** [http://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/stm.pdf Bruls, Mark; Huizing, Kees; van Wijk, Jarke J. (2000). "Squarified treemaps". In de Leeuw, W.; van Liere, R. Data Visualization 2000: Proc. Joint Eurographics and IEEE TCVG Symp. on Visualization]
** [http://www.juiceanalytics.com/writing/us-economic-census-treemap/ US Economic Census Treemap]
** [https://ac-els-cdn-com.libproxy.smu.edu.sg/S0740624X11001055/1-s2.0-S0740624X11001055-main.pdf?_tid=5f3e825d-c9d0-414f-b1d2-3ffbe8e115d1&acdnat=1538033558_64b0c1431092fec2ea12cc5e7ba8e77b TreeCovery: Coordinated dual treemap visualization for exploring the Recovery Act]
** [http://www.juiceanalytics.com/writing/juices-stimulus-bill-explorer/ Juice's Stimulus Bill Explorer]
** [http://www.cc.gatech.edu/gvu/ii/fundexplorer/ Fundexplorer]
** [http://www.smartmoney.com/map-of-the-market/ Map of the Market]
** [http://www.hivegroup.com/gallery/index.html The HIVE Group]
** [http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2007/02/25/business/20070225_CHRYSLER_GRAPHIC.html Truck Sales Slip, Tripping Up Chrysler]
** [http://newsmap.jp/ Newsmap]
** [http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/02/01/us/budget.html Obama’s 2011 Budget Proposal: How It’s Spent]
=R Packages=
= DataCamp Courses =  
==Correlation Matrix==
* Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2
* [https://ggobi.github.io/ggally/#ggallyggscatmat ggscatmat] and [https://ggobi.github.io/ggally/#ggallyggpairs ggpairs] of [https://ggobi.github.io/ggally/index.html GGally]
* Intermedia Data Visualization with ggplot2
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrplot/index.html corrplot]. A graphical display of a correlation matrix or general matrix. It also contains some algorithms to do matrix reordering. In addition, corrplot is good at details, including choosing color, text labels, color labels, layout, etc.
* Interactive Data Visualization with plotly in R
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/corrgram/index.html corrgram] calculates correlation of variables and displays the results graphically. Included panel functions can display points, shading, ellipses, and correlation values with confidence intervals.
* Intermediate Interactive Data Visualization with plotly in R
'''Static heatmap'''
* [https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/stats/versions/3.6.0/topics/heatmap heatmap()] of R stats package.  It draws a simple heatmap.
* [https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/gplots/versions/ heatmap.2()] of **gplots** R package.  It draws an enhanced heatmap compared to the R base function.
* [https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/pheatmap/versions/1.0.12/topics/pheatmap pheatmap()] of [https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/pheatmap **pheatmap**] R package.  **pheatmap** package also known as Pretty Heatmap.  The package provides functions to draws pretty heatmaps and provides more control to change the appearance of heatmaps.
* [https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ComplexHeatmap.html **ComplexHeatmap**] package of R/Bioconductor package.  The package draws, annotates and arranges complex heatmaps (very useful for genomic data analysis).  The full reference guide of the package is available [here](https://jokergoo.github.io/ComplexHeatmap-reference/book/).
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/superheat/ **superheat**] package: A Graphical Tool for Exploring Complex Datasets Using Heatmaps.  A system for generating extendable and customizable heatmaps for exploring complex datasets, including big data and data with multiple data types.  The full reference guide of the package is available [https://rlbarter.github.io/superheat/ here].
'''Interactive Heatmap'''
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/heatmaply/index.html heatmaply:] Make Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly'
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/d3heatmap/index.html d3heatmap d3heatmap:] Make Interactive Heat Maps Using 'htmlwidgets' and 'D3.js.
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/iheatmapr/index.html iheatmapr:] Make complex, interactive heatmaps. Detail information are available at [https://docs.ropensci.org/iheatmapr/ here].
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/treemap/ Treemap Package]
* [https://rpubs.com/brandonkopp/creating-a-treemap-in-r Creating a Treemap in R]
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/treemap/vignettes/treemap-color_mapping.html treemap: mapping to color palettes]
* [https://r-posts.com/simple-steps-to-create-treemap-in-r/ Simple Steps to Create Treemap in R]
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/treemapify/index.html treemapify: Draw Treemaps in 'ggplot2']
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/treemapify/vignettes/introduction-to-treemapify.html Introduction to treemapify]
* [https://datascience-enthusiast.com/R/R_shiny_Tableau_treemap.html  Interactive visualization with R-Shiny versus with Tableau: Treemaps]
==Sunburst Diagram==
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sunburstR/ sunburstR]
* [https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sunburstR/vignettes/sunburst-2-0-0.html Sunburst 2.0.0]
* [http://timelyportfolio.github.io/sunburstR/example_baseball.html Visualize Baseball with sunburstR]
* [https://medium.com/optima-blog/create-basic-sunburst-graphs-with-ggplot2-7d7484d92c61 Create Basic Sunburst Graphs with ggplot2]

Latest revision as of 16:06, 21 February 2021

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Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Programming Data Visualisation in R


  • R, RStudio and RMarkdown 101
  • Introducing The Grammar of Graphics
  • ggplot2, The Layered Grammar of Graphics
    • The Essential Grammatical Elements in ggplot2
  • Designing Analytical Graphics with ggplot2
  • Creating Interactive Graphics with plotly R


Core Readings

Additional Readings

Book on ggplot2

Book on plotly R

DataCamp Courses

  • Introduction to Data Visualization with ggplot2
  • Intermedia Data Visualization with ggplot2
  • Interactive Data Visualization with plotly in R
  • Intermediate Interactive Data Visualization with plotly in R