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<font size="5">'''Building Visual Analytics WebApps with R and Shiny'''</font>
<font size="5">'''Network Visualisation and Analysis: Knowledge Discovery in Linked Data'''</font>
= Content =
== Content ==
* What is a Visual Analytics WebApps?
* Why building Visual Analytics WebApps?
* Evolution of web-based Technology
* Introducing Shiny
** Building a simple ShinyApp
** Basic concepts of reactivity and customising reactive features
** Customising ShinyApp
Data Visualisation Through Their Graph Representation
*  Basic concept of graph
*  Data and graph
*  Where to find the data?
Network Graph Drawing
=All About Shiny=
*  Hierarchical tress
*  Spanning trees
*  Networks
*  Directed graphs
*  Treemaps
Network Graph Layout Techniques
==Getting Started==
* Force-directed techniques
* [https://shiny.rstudio.com/ Shiny from R Studio]
* Multidimensional scaling
* [https://shiny.rstudio.com/tutorial/ Learn Shiny]
* The pulling under constrains model
* [http://shiny.rstudio.com/reference/shiny/latest/ Function reference]
* Bipartite graphs
* [https://shiny.rstudio.com/images/shiny-cheatsheet.pdf The Shiny Cheat sheet]
* [https://bookdown.org/tpemartin/shiny_intro/shiny-part-i.html Shiny 入門]
Applications of Network Visualisation
==Shiny Applications==
* Organisation network
* [https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/ Gallery]
* Business network [http://www.theyrule.net/2004/tr2.php]
* [https://community.rstudio.com/t/shiny-contest-winners-2019-full-list/36347 Shiny Contest Winners 2019 - Full List]
* Political network [http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/socialaction/]
* [http://freerangestats.info/blog/2018/05/13/nz-govt-shinyapps Fifteen New Zealand government Shiny web apps]
* Social network [http://hci.stanford.edu/jheer/projects/vizster/]
* [https://nzprimarysectortrade.wordpress.com/2018/10/15/introducing-the-new-zealand-trade-intelligence-dashboard/ Introducing the New Zealand Trade Intelligence Dashboard]
*  News network
= Network Graph Visualisation and Analysis Tool =
= Shiny-based Dashboard Development Tools=
* [http://rstudio.github.io/shinydashboard/ http://rstudio.github.io/shinydashboard/ shinydashboard]
* [https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/flexdashboard/ flexdashboard]
*  Webpage [http://gephi.org/]
* [https://resources.rstudio.com/vimeo-webinars/dynamic-dashboards-with-shiny Dynamic Dashboards with Shiny]
* Download [http://gephi.org/users/download/]
* [https://resources.rstudio.com/rstudio-conf-2017/building-dashboards-with-shiny-tutorial-joe-cheng-amp-winston-chang Building Dashboards with Shiny Tutorial]
* [https://resources.rstudio.com/rstudio-conf-2017/dashboards-made-easy-sean-lopp Dashboards made easy]
* Tutorial: Quick Start [http://gephi.org/users/quick-start/], Visualization [http://gephi.org/users/tutorial-visualization/], and Layouts [http://gephi.org/users/tutorial-layouts/]
* [https://resources.rstudio.com/rstudio-conf-2020/styling-shiny-apps-with-sass-and-bootstrap-4-joe-cheng Styling Shiny apps with Sass and Bootstrap 4]
*  Forum [http://forum.gephi.org/]
= Readings =
* Visual Analysis of Complex Networks for Business Intelligence with Gephi [https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00828795/document]
* Graph Drawing [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graph_drawing]
* Graph Analytics - Lesson Learned and Challenges Ahead [https://www.cs.umd.edu/users/ben/papers/Wong2011Graph.pdf]
* Learning to Read and Interpret Network Graph Data Visualizations [http://noduslabs.com/cases/learn-read-interpret-network-graphs-data-visualization/]
* The Visualization of Networks [http://www.vismaster.eu/news/von/]
* ViZster: Visualizing Online Social Networks [http://hci.stanford.edu/jheer/projects/vizster/early_design/]
* Adam Perer. "Finding Beautiful Insights in the Chaos of Social Network Visualizations". In '''Beautiful Visualization'''. O’Reilly Press. [http://perer.org/papers/adamPerer-BV_ch10.pdf]
* Visual Complexity [http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/]

Latest revision as of 21:29, 8 March 2020

Va.jpg IS428 Visual Analytics for Business Intelligence


Weekly Session


Visual Analytics Project

Course Resources


Building Visual Analytics WebApps with R and Shiny


  • What is a Visual Analytics WebApps?
  • Why building Visual Analytics WebApps?
  • Evolution of web-based Technology
  • Introducing Shiny
    • Building a simple ShinyApp
    • Basic concepts of reactivity and customising reactive features
    • Customising ShinyApp

All About Shiny

Getting Started

Shiny Applications

Shiny-based Dashboard Development Tools
