SMT201 AY2019-20G2 Ex1 Mabelle Tham Shiqin

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Part One: Thematic Mapping

Figure 1: Road Network System of Singapore

Figure 1: Road Network in Singapore


Data sourced from LTA did not have distinctly categorized road types, hence I used QGIS to categorize the roads by Road Type – categorizing them into Expressways, Major Roads and Minor Roads segregating them by colour and thickness.

Figure 2: Road Network (Close Up)

Figure 2: Road Network (Close Up)


For this map, I chose contrasting, distinct, bright colours for the roads as seen from the 1cm thick bright yellow for Expressway, 0.5cm thick dark blue for Major Road and 0.25cm thin bright orange line for minor roads. For enhanced and clearer visualization, I applied the buffer for each label, ensuring that road names will be easy to read.