Take Home Exercise 1

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UrbanGIS.jpg SMT201 Geospatial Analytics for Urban Planning


Weekly Session

Take Home Exercises

GIS Project

Course Resources


Take Home Exercise 1

Take Home Exercise 2

Take Home Exercise 3

Take Home Exercise Dropbox G1

Take Home Exercise Dropbox G2


Mapping the Urban World

The Task

In this take home exercise, you are required to complete the following tasks.

Part 1: Thematic Mapping

  • Using school information from data.gov.sg, prepare a thematic map showing the distribution of public education institution by school types such as primary, secondary, etc.
  • Using road GIS data of LTA, prepare a thematic map showing the hierarchy of road network system of Singapore such as expressway, major road, minor road, etc.
  • Using master plan landuse GIS data from data.gov.sg, prepare a thematic map showing 2014 Master Plan Landuse.
  • For each of the thematic map above, explain why your cartographic technique makes sense, your choice of classification and visual variable. Please limit your discussion to a maximum of not more than 100 words per map.

Part 2: Choropleth Mapping

  • Using planning subzone GIS data from data.gov.sg and Singapore residents by age group and gender, prepare the following choropleth maps:
    • Aged population (+65) in 2010 and 2018.
    • Proportional of aged population in 2010 and 2018.
    • Percentage change of aged population between 2010 and 2018.
  • In separate text describe the spatial patterns, if any, reveals by each of the choropleth maps prepared.
  • Explain the reasoning behind your classification choices, how you derived the new variables and handled missing values, and any other relevant judgments and assumptions. Please limit this discussion to a maximum of not more than 500 words.

For all maps, be sure to include a title, source, north arrow, scalebar, and legend (with indication of classification choice). The quality of your presentation does count!

Submission Details

This is an individual exercise. You are required to work on the take home exercise and prepare submission individually.

  • Project artefact: All geospatial information compiled and derived, including the QGIS project file and data dictionary. The geospatial and aspatial data must be stored in a single GeoPackage. The project artefact must be uploaded onto eLearn.
  • Take-home Exercise Report: You are required to edit your take home exercise in the appropriate wiki page of the Take-home Exercise Dropbox. The take home exercise report, beside others, should include all the thematic and choropleth maps prepared and their respective discussion. The title of the wiki page should be in the form of: SMT201_AY2019-20G1_Ex1_FullName.

Due Date: 15th October 2019, 11:59pm (mid-night).