SMT201 AY2018-19T1 EX1 Sze Shao Tang
Distribution of School types The information of the school was geocoded with OneMap API using python. This will allow us to get the location for each school. The information is categorized by different level of school. Hence the colour represent school types like primary and secondary level
Hierarchy of Road network
In order to show the road network system of Singapore, the road type is categorized and differentiate by colour and thickness. This show the clear indication of which type of road such as expressway and major road
2014 Master Plan Landuse in Singapore
The master plan was use to show different area of land used in Singapore. The colour are group by Symbology Cateorized. This give the user a clear represention of lands
Age Population (age 65 and above) in 2010 and 2018 In order to find out the population of people age 65 and above in year 2010 and 2018, Symbology Graduated is use to gauge which areas are densed. The darker colour area show that the area have more people age 65 then the ligher colour area. To sum this analayse, there are slightly more people age 65 in 2018 than in 2010.
Proportion of Aged Population (age 65 and above) in 2010 and 2018 Calculating the population in percentage, it is evident to see the increase in percentage in the areas. Same as the previous image, the darker colour show greater percentage of people age 65.
Percentage Change of Aged Population Although there is a increase in most areas, the increase was small from 2010 to 2018. This conclude that it is almost natural to see a steady increase in age over the years.