Lesson 7

From Geospatial Analytics for Urban Planning
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UrbanGIS.jpg SMT201 Geographic Information Systems for Urban Planning


Weekly Session

Take Home Exercises

GIS Project

Course Resources


The Science of Mapthematics and Cartographic Modelling

Lesson slides

Raster-based GIS Analysis

Introduction to Raster-based GIS Analysis

  • The basic concept of raster GIS data model
  • Raster database
  • Characteristics of raster
  • Raster resolution
  • The composite weight

Map Algebra Methods

  • Local functions
  • Focal functions
  • Neighbourhood functions
  • Zonal functions

Cartographic Modelling

  • A process of map analysis

Hands-on Session

Week 3: The Science of Accessibility Analysis Handout

  • Creating raster GIS data
  • Visualising and Symbolising a Raster GIS Layer
  • Creating Proximity Layer using Raster GIS Analysis


Raster-based GIS Analysis

  • Map algebra [1]
  • GIS Modeling and Analysis [2]
  • Cartographic Modeling [3]