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====Elevation (Economic Factor) ====
====Elevation (Economic Factor) ====
The areas with lighter colors are steeper and most of it are located at the central region. The areas with darker color are flatter and more suitable to build the quarantine center.
The areas with lighter colors are steeper and most of it are located at the central region. The areas with darker color are flatter and more suitable for building the quarantine center.
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====Proximity to Roads (Accessibility Factor) ====
====Proximity to Roads (Accessibility Factor) ====
Darker color areas are regions that are nearer to the road. The selected site should be close to existing local roads. Therefore, the darker areas around the service roads or tracks are more suitable for building the quarantine center.
====Proximity to Buildings (Health Risk Factor) ====
====Proximity to Buildings (Health Risk Factor) ====

Revision as of 19:50, 10 November 2019

Study Area

Study Area ZangYu.png

Roads (Accessibility Factor)

The roads are divided into service roads, tracks, and other type of roads. There are 2 tracks and 199 service roads in the data-set. From the map, we can see that the 2 tracks are located around the southern region of Gombak. Majority of the service roads are spread around the north-east region and minority of it are spread around west region. Therefore, eastern region of Gombak is the most accessible as it is closest to existing local roads.

Buildings (Health Risk Factor)

There are a lot of missing data in the "type" column of the data-set. Hence it is not meaningful to classify the buildings based on the building type. Most of the buildings are located around the boundary and very few of them located in the central. By looking at the map, it seems the southern region is more suitable to build the quarantine center as it is away from population.

Natural Features (Natural Conservation Factor)

Most of the natural features are located around the boundary of Gombak. The forest is located in the east region. The water bodies are located in both east and north regions. The parks are located in west and south-west regions of Gombak. Therefore, the central and south-east are more suitable to build the quarantine centre.

Elevation (Economic Factor)

The areas with lighter colors are steeper and most of it are located at the central region. The areas with darker color are flatter and more suitable for building the quarantine center.

Proximity analysis

Proximity Zangyu-min.png

Proximity to Roads (Accessibility Factor)

Darker color areas are regions that are nearer to the road. The selected site should be close to existing local roads. Therefore, the darker areas around the service roads or tracks are more suitable for building the quarantine center.

Proximity to Buildings (Health Risk Factor)

Proximity to Natural Features (Natural Conservation Factor)

Proximity to Elevation (Economic Factor)

Criterion scores

Criterion scores Zangyu.png

Analytical Hierarchical Process Input Matrix and Result Report

AHP Zangyu 1.png

AHP Zangyu 2.png

Suitability Land Lot(s)

Suitability Zangyu.png

Formula = ("Standardised buildings@1"*0.596)+("Standardised_natural@1"*0.204)+("Standardised_roads@1"*0.141)+("Standarised_slope@1"*0.059)