IS428 AY2019-20T1 Assign Kok Jim Meng Data Preparation

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StHimarkNeighborhoodMap.png IS428 VAST 2019 Mini Challenge 2

Problem & Motivation

Data Preparation

Interactive Visualisation

Tasks Questions and Answers

References and Comments


Data Preparation

The dataset zip file given includes:

  • Mobile Sensor Readings
  • Static Sensor Readings
  • Static Sensor Location
  • Data Description
  • Maps of St Himark

Static Sensor Readings and Static Sensor Location

JM DP Fig1.png
Figure 1: Screenshot of the two Static CSVs Tables

Issue: In the CSV file of Static Sensor Readings, there are no geographic coordinates of the static sensors as the data are in the CSV file of Static Sensor Locations. Solution: Use Tableau Prep to join the two tables into one CSV based on the common field which is Sensor-id and cleaning it by removing the extra sensor-id field. With this, it would be possible to perform a map visualization for Static Sensors using the longitude and latitude in Tableau. The following is the data preparation used in Tableau Prep for Static Sensor data.

JM DP Fig2.png
Figure 2: Join based on Sensor-id
JM DP Fig3.png
Figure 3: Clean the newly joined table by removing the extra sensor-id field