IS428 AY2019-20T1 Assign Li Xiaohang

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Mini-Challenge 1: Crowdsourcing for Situational Awareness


St. Himark is a vibrant community located in the Oceanus Sea. Home to the world-renowned St. Himark Museum, beautiful beaches, and the Wilson Forest Nature Preserve, St. Himark is one of the region’s best cities for raising a family and provides employment across a number of industries including the Always Safe Nuclear Power Plant. Well, all that was true before the disastrous earthquake that hits the area during the course of this year’s challenge. Mayor Jordan, city officials, and emergency services are overwhelmed and are desperate for assistance in understanding the true situation on the ground and how best to deploy the limited resources available to this relatively small community.

The Challenge

In a prescient move, the city of St. Himark released a new damage reporting mobile application shortly before the earthquake. This app allows citizens to provide more timely information to the city to help them understand damage and prioritize their response. In this mini-challenge, use app responses in conjunction with shake maps of the earthquake strength to identify areas of concern and advise emergency planners.

Introducation of the Data

Pre-Analysis Data Processing

Task and Visualization

Task 1

Emergency responders will base their initial response on the earthquake shake map. Use visual analytics to determine how their response should change based on damage reports from citizens on the ground. How would you prioritize neighborhoods for response? Which parts of the city are hardest hit? Limit your response to 1000 words and 10 images.

Visualization #1 Earthquake Shake Map with Location
Shake-map 1.png
Shake map 2.png
Insight Based on the pre-quake shake map and major quake shake map, the emergency responders will start with location 3 and location 4, as they are the first two areas affected by the earthquake. Area 2, 14, 18, 13, 12 and 7 are affected during major quake subsequently. The level of damage is not clear and needs to be investigated with the damage reports from citizens.

Visualization 1 General Overview of the Neighbourhood Report
Visualization image

Visualization 1 General Overview of the Neighbourhood Report
Visualization image

Task 2

Use visual analytics to show uncertainty in the data. Compare the reliability of neighborhood reports. Which neighborhoods are providing reliable reports? Provide a rationale for your response. Limit your response to 1000 words and 10 images.

Task 3

How do conditions change over time? How does uncertainty in change over time? Describe the key changes you see. Limit your response to 500 words and 8 images.

Visualisation Software

