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* [https://www.ryansleeper.com/3-ways-to-make-magnificent-maps-in-tableau/ 3 Ways to Make Magnificent Maps in Tableau]
* [https://www.ryansleeper.com/3-ways-to-make-magnificent-maps-in-tableau/ 3 Ways to Make Magnificent Maps in Tableau]
* [https://www.ryansleeper.com/how-to-make-trellis-tile-small-multiple-maps-in-tableau/ How to Make Trellis / Tile / Small Multiple Maps in Tableau]
* [https://www.ryansleeper.com/how-to-make-trellis-tile-small-multiple-maps-in-tableau/ How to Make Trellis / Tile / Small Multiple Maps in Tableau]
=All About d3.js=
* [https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4060606 Choropleth]
* [http://bl.ocks.org/stevenae/8362841 Interactive Choropleth]
* [http://www.cartographicperspectives.org/index.php/journal/article/view/cp78-sack-et-al/1359 Interactive and Multivariate Choropleth Maps with D3]
* [https://bl.ocks.org/vasturiano/62e0bf2a189a6cd040846d379f9303d1 World cartogram on d3 v4]
* [http://prag.ma/code/d3-cartogram/#popest/2010 Cartograms with d3 & TopoJSON]
* [http://schuelerzahlen-zuerich.opendata.iwi.unibe.ch/App2/d3geo-2/ Cartograms with D3.js]
* [http://jalperin.github.io/d3-cartogram/ World scaled by number of documents in Web of Science by Authors Living There]
* [https://leafletjs.com/ Leaflet - a JavaScript library for interactive maps]

Revision as of 07:53, 19 September 2019