Sofia City: Data Preparation

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Banner.jpg Understanding Air Quality in Sofia


Data Preparation & Dashboard

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3


Data Preparation

EEA Dataset

The EEA folder comes with 28 files across 6 stations from 2013-2018. It is observed that some of the stations do not have complete records (denoted by x in table below) across the years notably Orlov Most and Mladost. We first consolidate the dataset for each station by concatenating the files from 2013-2018.


The original files do not come with information on geographical location, altitude as well as common names of the station. These information, however, could be found inside the metadata table provided. We were to add these information into the individual air tube files by creating new columns “Longitude”, “Latitude”, “Altitude” and “Name” respectively.

Concat 9421.jpg


Combine EEA.jpg

The final working file is created by concatenating dataset from all 6 stations across all years.

Air Tube Dataset

The Air Tube folder contains data from collected from Citizen Science Air Quality stations over the span of Sep 2017 to Aug 2018. The file comes with a column “Geohash” which encodes the geographic location of air stations into a short string of letters and digits.

We extracted the corresponding Longitude and Latitude using the R package Geohash.


By concatenating the files from 2017 and 2018, we were able to compile the final working file containing 3610146 rows.

Combine AirTube.jpg

Link to Dashboard

Task 1: Official Air Quality Measure -!/vizhome/SofiaCityOfficialAirQualityMeasure/Dashboard

Task 2: Citizen Air Quality Measure -!/vizhome/SofiaCityCitizenAirQualityMeasure/Dashboard1

Task 3: Sofia City: Meteorology factors -!/vizhome/SofiaCityMeteorology/Dashboard