ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Kalai Selvi Data Preparation
Data Description
The Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings data contains the 5 data fields:
- id
- value
- location
- sample date
- measure
The chemical units of measure csv data contains the 2 fields:
- measure
- unit
Check for Missing Records
Vlookup function is used in the Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings to add the ‘unit’ field from the chemical units of measure data.
The Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings data was imported into JMP to check for missing records. There were 1,273 records with missing units and these are for the Macrozoobenthos chemical. Macrozoobenthos is a type of animal species and a unit of measurement is not required for this Macrozoobenthos measure.
Check for Chemical Measures with 0 values
There are 9,700 measures with 0 values. Records with 0 chemical reading value are deleted from the data as these are treated as NA entries. There were 127,124 records in the Final Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings after deleting the 9,700 records.
Create Locations.csv data and find x,y coordinates
A new excel file, Locations.csv is created and the fields are the Locations, X and Y coordinates. 10 locations were updated in this Location data based on the locations given in the Final Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings. The X and Y coordinates were left as empty cells.
The Location data was imported into Tableau. Using the Background Image tab, Waterways Final.jpg image was imported. After editing the background image, X is dragged into Column shelf and Y is dragged into Rows shelf as shown below.
Each location in the image is annotated as a point to find the (x,y) coordinate respectively. An example of the annotation for Boonsri is as below. After finding all the (x,y) coordinates for each location, the X and Y coordinates are updated in the Locations data.
Join Tables
Boonsong Lekagul waterways readings.csv and Locations.csv data are imported into Tableau and joined using the common key, 'location' in both datasets.