ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign See Kwan Yen Visualization

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Chemical Trends

Patterns Visualization
1. Overview of chemical tracking across the Years

An overview of the water sensor readings across the years will give us a snapshot of the level of chemicals in the wwterway.

Figure 1.1 shows the average water sensor reading values by year of all the measures by units of mg/l and locations. It is apparent that iron had the highest value among all the measures in 2003. This is followed by high amount of Total Coliforms and Total Dissolved Salts.

Figure 1.2 shows the average water sensor reading values by year of the measure by units of microgram per liter.Aluminium has the highest amount of value in 2009, followed by Barium in 2009, Boron in 2012 and Zinc across multiple years.

Some observation on the data:
(a) Consistent readings
Measures such as those of Cadmium,Copper and Lead are consistent throughout the years in all the locations, though values may vary with different measures across time

(b) Present for a certain period of time
Measures such as those of PCB and Endrin are observed to be only present in a period of time or in certain location. Measures of these pattern may hint at contamination which have to be examined.

(c) Rare readings
Measures such as those of Barium and PAHS are rarely observed. Only a few instances were recorded by the water sensors. Measures of this pattern may still hint at a possible contamination though with such little data.

Overview of chemicals.png
Overview of microgram.png
Chemical levels by locations

Since Iron has the highest level previously, figure 1.3 shows the trend of Iron across all locations. Iron had been consistently low for Boonsri, Busarakhan, Chai, Kannika, Kohsoom, Sakda, and Somchair. Kohsoom has the highest level of Iron among all locations. It is almost non-existent in Achara, Decha and Tansanee.

However, a spike in the value of Iron is observed among 6 of the locations as shown in chart. Investigating further on 2003 period shows that values Copper have also spiked during the same day for Kohsoom.

While we do not know the cause, the correlation of such values for these 3 chemicals seem to suggest a contamination incident around that period.

2. Measure Insight - Aluminum Contamination
Water sensor readings have shown Aluminum to be present in 2008-2010 in 2 of the waterways: from Busarakha, Chai, to Kannika and from Somchair to Sakda. In all 5 of the locations, Aluminum value rose to over 400 ug/l in the month of April 2009. Aluminum values were observed to be the greatest in April 17, 18, and 25, all within the span of a week and occurring on the same day for pairs of the locations.
1.2 rb.png
3. Measure Insight - Total Chlorodine and Hardness Groups

Total Hardness and Chlorodinine have been observed to have very distinct group of values before and after a certain period across the locations in the waterway.

Total Hardness is shown to have a pattern of:
(1) Average values (before 2010)
(2) Period of missing or low values (2010-2014)
(3) Higher values (2014 onwards)

Total Chlorodinine is shown to have a pattern of:
(1) Higher values (before 2016)
(2) Lower values (2016 onward)

Such consistent trends merit interest and are possible for further investigation as to the change in general average of the measures/properties of water.

1.3 rb.png
4. Measure Insight - Growing presence of Arsenic
In figure 1.4, Arsenic has been observed to have increasing value in the recent years across most of the locations in the reserve and as far is the data is concerned, has shown no signs of stopping. Further investigation as to the possible cause of such continuous growth would be advised as to keep it from getting into dangerous levels.
1.4 rb.png
5. Location Insight - Kohsoom Fecal Fears
While several of the locations have their share of fecal coliforms, possibly excrements of the wildlife in the area, Kohsoom has significantly more traces of fecal streptococci, peaking at 330mg/l in April 27, 2011, seen in figure 1.5. Streptococci is a strain of bacteria that can cause urinary tract infections, meningitis, and respiratory infections to animals. While the values for the measures have dropped ever since, it would be wise to further study the contamination event, as the bacteria present in the animal feces is indicative of the animal’s health and they may have indeed been infected at the time.
1.5 rb.png
6. Location Insight - November 22, 2014 in Tanasee

As seen in the figure 1.6A, among the locations, Tanasee was observed to have a recent period of high ammonium that peaked with 15 mg/l on November 22, 2014.

After examining the rest of the data for Tanasee around that date, figure 1.6B shows that Chlorides, Nitrites, and Total Dissolved Salts have also been shown to have the same pattern of heightened increase. This suggests that contamination may have occurred prompting the increased values for the measures.

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