ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Alagu Alagappan Q2
Question 2 :What anomalies do you find in the waterway samples dataset? How do these affect your analysis of potential problems to the environment? Is the Hydrology Department collecting sufficient data to understand the comprehensive situation across the Preserve? What changes would you propose to make in the sampling approach to best understand the situation?
The different kinds of anomalies noticed in the data given by the hydrology raises concern on the sampling strategy and completeness of the data. The anomalies have been classified broadly into three categories:
1. Anomalies in Chemical measure across locations
2. Anomalies in Chemical Measure across years
3. Inconsistency in Hydrology Data across locations and years
4. Missing Data Pattern
Anomalies in Chemical measure across locations
Chloridine stands out :
As seen in Question 1,the Chloridine levels over the past three years has been showing a decreasing trend in the year 2016 compared to years 2014 and 2015, but there seems an anomaly shown below. The reading in the Kohsoom region on the June 23 2016 shows an above an average reading of 0.4360 µg/l. Kohsoom being close to the dumping area of the factory outlet , this creates an thought upon whether on June 23rd the factory released any chloridine pollutants that dint dilute in water and caused an abnormal reading.
May Macrozoonbenthoos concern in Kannika and Sakda:
The chemical Macrozoonbenthoos peaked 20 times higher than the average value across all the locations in Kannika and Sakda on May 8 2014. This acts as an anomaly to the pattern observed across different locations in the years.the reading observed in May 2014 is around 40 mg/L.