VAST Challenge 2018: Suspense at the Wildlife Preserve
Visualizations and Insights
Chemical Trends
Patterns |
Visualization |
1. General Pattern across the Years
An overview of the water sensor readings across the years will give us a starting point and rough idea of how the waterways are faring.
Figure 1.1A shows the average water sensor reading values by year of all the measures and locations. Immediately the Iron content of the water in the year 2003 becomes apparent having the highest value among all the measures throughout the years. By excluding this record, figure 1.1B zooms into the rest of the measures, showing Total Coliforms, Total Dissolved Salts, Bicarbonates, and Total Hardness as having the next top values after Iron.
Next, in figure 1.1C, the water sensor readings are divided by location. The values of the measures form patterns that can be observed throughout all the locations:
(1) Consistently Present
Measures such as those of Amonium and Nitrites are consistently present throughout the years in all the locations. Values may vary with different measures across time but the measures seem to always be present in the readings.
(2) Cyclical
Measures such as those of Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen form a cyclical pattern. Values of the measures have a recurring increase and decrease across time.
(3) Present for a certain period of time
Measures such as those of Alachor and Aldrin are observed to be only present in a period of time or in certain location. Measures of these pattern may hint at contamination that will be further examined.
(4) Rarely observed
Measures such as those of Naphthalene and PAHS are rarely observed. Only a few instances were recorded by the water sensors. Measures of this pattern may still hint at a possible contamination though with such little data, it would be difficult to prove otherwise.