ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Jyoti Bukkapatil Data Preparation

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Data for Visualisation

Data provided by Kasios International insider has been 10 different CSV files. These are mainly different call records, email records, Meeting records and Purchase records from 11th May 2015 14:00:00 hours onwards. All files contain Source, destination, connection details and time in seconds. Below are details of different files providing The Kasios Insider.

Index Data ! File Name Number of Records
1 Call records for whole company starting from 11 May 2015 14:00:00 hrs calls.csv 10606835
  • Metadata file for the sound files
  • Fields contained are ->
    • File ID - An index to the file name in ALL BIRDS sound file collection
    • Vocalization_type: Kind of bird sound. Values are call or song or some other particular sound
    • Quality: Measure of the quality of the bird sound. Values are A, B, C, D, E, No Score
    • Time & Date: When the sound was captured
    • X & Y Coordinates: Values ranging from 0 to 199
Lekagul Roadways 2018 Map
  • 200 X 200-pixel map of the Preserve
  • The coordinates from AllBirdsv4 considered from bottom left to top right (0,0) to (199,199)
Test Birds from Kasios
  • Bird sounds Kasios claims as Pipit
  • Captured over past couple of months
Test Bird Location
  • X & Y Coordinates: Location of the test bird sound recordings

Table 1