Group22 Report

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Motivation of the Application

Poverty is one of the biggest long-term issues confronting the world today. Millions of people struggle to maintain the most basic standard of living for themselves and their families, and face a daunting uncertainty in many parts in their lives. Microfinance is one strategy and it attempts to address the issue of poverty by providing small-scale loans to the poor so that they can either start or expand a small business to improve their income, thus helping to bring them out of poverty.

Kiva is an international non-profit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a life-long ambition. And Kiva lenders have provided over $1 billion dollars in loans to over 2 million people in 87 countries.

The purpose of our application is to explore the reason why people loan from KIVA in different countries. The dataset contains 87 countries which are distributed around the world. It’s quite difficult to research the big size dataset directly. The application can help us understand the clear logic and find out some interesting insights relaxed.

Review and Critic on Past Works

Design Framework

Data Preparation

The original dataset includes 671,205 observations and 20 variables. We wrangled and cleaned data first to get a more essential dataset before we apply analysis which including deleting missing value, modifying data, extracting relative features and building new features.

  1. Delete Missing Value
  2. Translate all the money amount to USD currency. Original data use the local currency for each loan application which is not useful for our analysis.
  3. Create a new column named Continent.
  4. Calculate the time. 'total_time' means how much time passes from the moment the loan is posted to the moment it's disbursed; and 'giving_time' means how long does a loan take to get funded.
  5. Calculate the time difference between loan amount and funded amount.
  6. Converted “borrower_gender” variable. The original data is a gender list of the loan applicant. So we count the frequency of each list.
 when female sum and length is 1, then conver to single_female
 When female sum and length females_count is the same and different to zero, then mult_females
 when female sum is zero and the count of individuals is 1, then “single_male
 "mult_males" when female sum is zero and the count of individuals is greater than 1
 "mixed_genders" when the sum of females is different to the count of individual

The final dataset we used to do analytics includes 671,044 observations with 18 variables including basic loan information, geographic data, purpose explain and time distribution. And it looks like shown below:


Visualization Design



Future Work

Installation Guide

User Guide

The Shiny application has 6 tabs:

  1. First tab shows the work flow and the design logic of the shiny application.
  2. Second tab 'HeatMap_Cluster' can be used to cluster different country.
  3. Third tab 'Map' is used to overview what sectors the country care more. In addition, the size of pie chart indicates the amount of loan. You can focus on special country based on the result of cluster.
  4. Fourth tab 'TreeMap_Global' can overview how many loan records are recorded.
  5. Fifth tab 'TreeMap_Compare' is used to compare the purpose of loan of two different countries. You can click the tree map and go deeper.
  6. Sixth tab 'Time_Series_Line' is used to explore the change of loan amount and number of records over three years.