Group06 Report

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Group 6

Overview   Proposal   Poster   Application   Report

1 Introduction

An e-commerce company in the United Kingdom has provided their transaction data from 1 December 2010 to 9 December 2011. This company mainly has wholesalers as its customers. Based on the data provided, the company’s client portfolio is mainly based in the United Kingdom. Within the data set, the key variables given are: (i) invoice number; (ii) stock code; (iii) description; (iv) quantity; (v) invoice date; (vi) unit price; (vii) customer identification number; and (viii) country. Being a primarily sales driven company, the key objective should be to maximize the revenue of the company. To achieve this, we will adopt a four-pronged approach: (a) understand the seasonality of the goods flow through the period; (b) identify cross-sell opportunities through customer similarities; (c) clustering of high value customers to target; and (d) reviewing product descriptions to understand the product descriptions that sell well.

2 Motivation and Objective

On the market, there are various customer intelligence platforms available: “DataSift”, “SAS Customer Intelligence”, “Accenture Insights Platform”, etc. However, none of them are offer an integrated bespoke solution for our data on hand.

Our motivation is to build an entirely bespoke application that would allow the company to fully analyse their data right at the onset.

2.1 Cosine Similarity

This part of the application aims to find similarities between customers. Given that there are 3,866 products, we have decided to utilize the customers’ historical patterns in purchasing products to measure similarities between customers. To do this, we have created a matrix comprising the customers (columns) and products (rows). The values within depict the amount of the products these customers bought. Through the similarity of product purchases, clusters of customers can then be formed. Depending on the strength of this similarity between customers, a network diagram can then be drawn to visualize the customers. This will help to provide a meaningful way of grouping customers together so that different marketing campaigns and client relationship officers can be allocated to them.

2.2 Customer Segmentation

One of aims of this application is to allow users to perform customer segmentation visually and interactively. An intuitive methodology RFM is applied in this project to strengthen the result of customer segmentation. RFM facilitates the consumer analytics process in three different dimensions: recency (how recently the customer purchased), frequency (how often customer purchase) and monetary (how much customers spend).

K-means clustering algorithm uses RFM variables to form consumers into clusters. With understanding of the characteristics of different consumers group, business operator can make customized strategy to target different consumer groups.

2.3 Natural Language Processing

It is very important for management to understand customer preferences for different products, Natural Language Processing is conducted to explore the popularity of products. By understanding what are the most and least popular products and the properties of the popular products, the management will be able to make smarter decisions towards the customer’s preference, thus improve the revenues.

We use the column “descriptions” and “quantity” in the data set to conduct the Natural Language Processing. The description gives the product name, for example “WHITE METAL LANTERN”. The quantity gives the number of the products ordered.

3 R Programming and usage of R Packages

We have developed the application in Shiny, an open source R package, which provides a powerful web framework for building web applications. For performing data cleaning and building the visualizations, we have experimented with different R packages and would like to introduce some of the key packages that we found useful in this paper.

3.1 Reducing Development Time on Shiny

As all the team members wanted to contribute and reduce development time on the application, we adopted two initiatives to ensure that everything is smooth sailing.

3.1.1 Git Server

The team started a Git repository on GitHub to manage the development process. This is key to ensure that all the code developments do not conflict with the other sections. At the end of each development cycle, the team was then able to put the code together with less hassle while ensuring that the application had minimal bugs.

3.1.2 R Shiny Folder Structure

Due to the number of people working on the code, it is essential to ensure that the code is fully readable. Therefore, we adopted the following folder structure to ensure that each respective sections of code are within a separate R script:

R Shiny Folder Structure.JPG

                                                                      R Shiny Folder Structure

3.2 Cosine similarity

coop: There are 4,370 customers and 3,866 products. With a 4370 by 3866 matrix, the processing time for coming up with the cosine similarity matrix with this dataset will be lengthy. However, with the “coop” R package, the process was relatively quicker, as it was operating on a matrix with native functions.

tidyr: The initial data set is in a long format. To make it into a wide format table instead (i.e. by spreading the key-value pairs across multiple columns), we applied the “spread” function from the “tidyr” package. Without this package, it would be difficult to ensure the consistent data formats between tables.

data.table: A key requirement to utilize the “coop” package is that the data set needs to be presented in the form of a matrix. To do this, we converted the data set into a data table. Subsequently, we converted this data table into a matrix with the “as.matrix” function.

One thing to note is that the values within the matrix needs to be of a consistent data type. This would mean that the row names need to be indicated as the actual row name and not a variable by itself.

3.3 Customer Segmentation

mclust: To perform k-means clustering, the application calls “kmeans” functions from “mclust” package. The function returns clustering labels.

plotly: To provide RFM analysis in an interactive manner, “plotly” package is used here for data visualization. This application applies three variables in RFM methodology for clustering. The clustering result is plotted in a 3D space. “Plotly: allows user to rotate the graph in 3 different dimensions and “Plotly” also allows developer to configure the tooltip for data points.

3.4 Natural Language Processing

dplyr: There are some missing and dirty data in the column “Description”. Such as ‘? sold as sets?', '?? missing' and etc. Data cleaning is conducted using package “dplyr” before the natural language processing. “dplyr” is a powerful R-package for data manipulation. It can transform and summarize tabular data with operations such as filtering for rows, selecting specific columns, summarizing data and etc. The missing and dirty data is removed with function “filter”.

To find out the popularity of the product, the column “quantity” also needs to be taken into consideration. The product is multiplied by its quantity to find the total number for each product. The function “select”, “group_by” and “summarise” are used to find the total number of quantity of each product.

tm: “tm” package is used to perform text mining and pre-processing steps for text analysis. The main structure for managing documents in tm is called a Corpus, which represents a collection of text documents. “Vcorpus” function is used to represent the data as a collection of text documents. The corpus is stored in the variable “docs”. Pre-processing transformations are done via the tm_map() function which applies a function to all elements of the corpus. The pre-processing transformations include removing of punctuation, removing of numbers, converting all letters to lower case, removing of stopwords and removing of stripWhitespace.

Next, DocumentTermMatrix() function is used to convert each row of the matrix a document vector, with one column for every term in the entire corpus. Some documents may not contain a given term, so the matrix is sparse. The value in each cell of the matrix is the term frequency.

wordcloud2: The word cloud is implemented with “wordcloud2” library. The package provides an HTML5 interface to wordcloud for data visualization.

topicmodels: Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) is used to conduct the topic modelling with library “topicmodels”, The per-topic-per-word probabilities beta is extracted from the model by tidy() function.

4 Demonstration

4.1 Cosine similarity

With 4,370 customers, it is difficult to come up with a sales strategy for each customer. However, through the use of the cosine similarity algorithm, these customers can be segregated into different groupings based on their purchase history. Through this segregation, different marketing campaigns or product promotions can be made to them.

For this visualization, the slider provides the user with the means to reduce or increase the number of customers in the groupings. A high number signifies that similarities below the number will be removed from the visualization. This will help to reduce information paralysis.