ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Anthony Theodore Method

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American Pipit b57-13-007 V.jpg Mysterious Disappearance at Wildlife Preserve


Approach & Design



Tools and Approach

This assignment mainly use tableau for the dashboard creation and exploration analysis. SAS JMP Pro is also used for the initial data understanding part.
Python is used only for the audio visualization. The following list is the Python library used:

  • os - listdir
  • pydub - AudioSegment
  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • numpy
  • wave
  • sys
  • glob
  • scipy

The approach taken for this assignment consists of:

  1. Data understanding
  2. Geospatial visualization
  3. Creating Dashboard
  4. Audio processing
  5. Audio visualization
  6. Audio comparison





Data Understanding

  1. Use SAS JMP Pro to open the metadata and check the validity of the data.
    • Since the data is relatively clean, there is no need to perform data cleaning.
  2. Insert the coordinate of the dumping site into the Kasios's test bird metadata.
    • As mention in the assignment description, the coordinate for the dumping site is in (148,159).
  3. Import both metadata into Tableau.
    • Set both relationship to union. This way, all data will be accessible from the same sheets.


Geospatial Visualization

  1. Using the Lekagul Preserve Map image, load the image in Tableau as a background image.
  2. Plot in tableau using X and Y from both birds metadata into Rows and Columns.
  3. Using Size Parameter and Colour parameter, add the English Name from sensor bird metadata and Table Source from union relationship
    • This resulted in distribution of all the birds inside Lekagul Preserve along with Kasios test bird coordinate.
  4. Use the filter to differentiate birds position.


Dashboard Creation

  1. Create 3 new sheet. This 3 sheets will be used for mapping individual year.
    • Put Date into the Column along with X and Y into the Rows.
  2. Using another new sheet, add the line graph for Vocalization Type into Rows and year into column.
    • Filter other visualization type and use only Call and Song. This is to give user better depth for comparison between sound and call.
  3. Create another sheet to add the line graph for total of sound detected by year.


Audio Processing

  1. Converting all 2081 Sensor bird sound and 15 Kasios test bird sound from .MP3 format into .WAV format.
    • We use Python to do this task. Library used is both pydub and ffmpeg. Pydub is a package that allow audio manipulation. Detail about pydub:
      • Note that ffmpeg need to be installed first before pydub can be used.


Audio Visualization


Audio Comparison

Dashboard Design

The finalize dashboard design that will be uploaded into tableau public is:
Link for dashboard in tableau public: