ISSS608 2017-18 T3 Assign Zhang Yingdi
Tasks and Questions
1. Using the bird call collection and the included map of the Wildlife Preserve, characterize the patterns of all of the bird species in the Preserve over the time of the collection. Please assume we have a reasonable distribution of sensors and human collectors providing the recordings, so that the patterns are reasonably representative of the bird locations across the area. Do you detect any trends or anomalies in the patterns? Please limit your answer to 10 images and 1000 words.
2. Turn your attention to the set of bird calls supplied by Kasios. Does this set support the claim of Pipits being found across the Preserve? A machine learning approach using the bird call library may help your investigation. What is the role of visualization in your analysis of the Kasios bird calls? Please limit your answer to 10 images and 1000 words.
3. Formulate a hypotheses concerning the state of the Rose Crested Blue Pipit. What are your primary pieces of evidence to support your assertion? What next steps should be taken in the investigation to either support or refute the Kasios claim that the Pipits are actually thriving across the Boonsong Lekagul Wildlife Preserve? Please limit your answer to 500 words.